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Alternative Names

ゴッド・オブ・ウォー コレクション


Bluepoint Games



Other Versions


Release Dates

11/17/09 Sony Computer Entertainment
03/18/10 Capcom
04/30/10 Sony Computer Entertainment

Community Stats

Owners: 757
Favorite: 79
Tracked: 17
Wishlist: 8
Now Playing: 29

Avg Community Rating:


Shipping Total

2,418,520 Units
As of: May 30th, 2012

Opinion (258)

Heavenly_King posted 27/11/2012, 04:02
I think this was not a heavy bundled game. It sold a lot because it came with GOW3 demo.
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Mr Puggsly posted 25/11/2012, 05:23
@ oniyide - You're right, few ports receive sales like this. And that's why I looked for some sort of explanation. Bundling was the answer. I don't see how that is, "hating."

@ dsage01 - So? No one is claiming otherwise. However, Sony fans do get upset for pointing out this is a heavily bundled game.
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dsage01 posted 25/11/2012, 12:44
This game was bundled agreed...but no of where near the amount bundles the Forza series had
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oniyide posted 02/09/2012, 03:15
LOL to the haters, bundle or not it still sold well, without bundles it still would have sold about two mil. What blows my mind is none of the other collections come even close
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enrageorange posted 09/07/2012, 05:43
USA sales
2009 400k
2010 900k
2011 200k
The only games that ever have these types of increases year 1 to 2 are bundled or launch games. It is very clear at least 500k of these sales are from bundles.

And this will not reach 3mil. It sold less then 50k so far this year.
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withdreday posted 24/05/2012, 06:08
@Mr Puggsly Even if the numbers are a bit "bloated", the bundles couldn't account for more than 200k worth of sales.

In other words, these sales are still amazing.
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