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Review Scores

VGChartz Score



Alternative Names

Monster Hunter 3 tri-

モンスターハンター3 (トライ)


Capcom Production Studio 1



Release Dates

04/20/10 Capcom
08/01/09 Capcom
04/23/10 Nintendo

Community Stats

Owners: 439
Favorite: 71
Tracked: 11
Wishlist: 24
Now Playing: 64

Avg Community Rating:


Shipping Total

1,900,000 Units
As of: September 30th, 2018

Opinion (626)

killeryoshis posted 26/01/2018, 01:21
300+ hours in this game. So much wasted time be honest I would do it again
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ExplodingBlock posted 07/09/2014, 10:15
3DS version outsold this
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curl-6 posted 22/05/2013, 07:21
Proof that hardcore games could and did sell well on Wii if they were well made and advertised.
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IamAwsome posted 19/01/2013, 10:32
The servers go down in April. This game had a good run, but it's time for the Wii U game.
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SSJGohan3972 posted 08/01/2013, 12:08
It very well could, I plan to pick it up and already had it on the Wii. Coming out early on the Wii U with little competition should help it, plus the 3DS cross play which I think a lot of people will find intriguing.
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SlayerRondo posted 21/09/2012, 01:48
Hoping Monster Hunter 3 Ultimate for the WiiU can pull off some impressive numbers as well.

PS: I know it's still 3 but also in HD and with tons of New monsters not seen on the Wii version or outside Japan.
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