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Review Scores

VGChartz Score




Crystal Dynamics



Other Versions

All, PC, X360

Release Dates

03/05/13 Square Enix
04/25/13 Square Enix
03/05/13 Square Enix

Community Stats

Owners: 21
Favorite: 0
Tracked: 0
Wishlist: 0
Now Playing: 0

Avg Community Rating:


Legacy Sales History

Total Sales

Opinion (17)

1 n/a 175,664 385,181 123,707 684,552
2 n/a 48,046 135,969 38,918 222,933
3 n/a 26,963 77,965 22,115 127,043
4 n/a 15,031 86,173 19,419 120,623
5 n/a 14,234 65,198 15,666 95,098
6 n/a 9,340 38,661 9,596 57,597
7 n/a 7,963 24,185 6,724 38,872
8 34,671 4,683 22,392 5,311 67,057
9 13,018 4,973 20,384 5,076 43,451
10 5,727 5,062 15,560 4,305 30,654
TrevDaRev posted 11/12/2013, 12:14
On further thought, it doesn't just edge out 'Drake's Fortune'. Too many wonderful memories surrounding getting & playing that game back in '07.
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TrevDaRev posted 09/11/2013, 07:54
Might just edge out 'Uncharted: Drake's Fortune' for me, but falls well short of 'Among Theives' & 'Drake's Deception'.

Really interested to see how big of a jump CD can produce for the sequel.
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think-man posted 05/10/2013, 09:19
Japanese games will always be better than anything the west makes IMO
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McDonaldsGuy posted 03/08/2013, 04:56
@thewastedyouth what kind of crap is that? Japan OWNS gaming, and Japanese love racing games! Ridge Racer and Gran Turismo are both Japanese. And fighters? LOL ARE YOU KIDDING? Street Fighter, Dead or Alive, Darkstalkers, Marvel vs. Capcom, Tekken, etc. etc. ALL Japanese! Have you only started gaming since the 360 era, despite your Atari avatar?
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thewastedyouth posted 15/05/2013, 04:38
Japan sales SUCK, Japanese gamers have horrible taste. only jrpgs and nothing else

at least in the west we got people that like fps, fighting, driving and other type of games
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SOLIDSNAKE08 posted 12/05/2013, 11:06
better than original uncharted, just about as good as U3 but no where near as good as U2!
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