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Review Scores

VGChartz Score




Bandai Namco Games



Other Versions

All, WiiU, X360

Release Dates

09/11/12 Namco Bandai Games
09/13/12 Namco Bandai Games
09/14/12 Namco Bandai Games

Community Stats

Owners: 18
Favorite: 8
Tracked: 0
Wishlist: 0
Now Playing: 2

Avg Community Rating:


Shipping Total

1,450,000 Units
As of: December 31st, 2018

Opinion (22)

Kowan posted 17/10/2013, 05:48
This is SO undertracked. Namco showed sales data for this and as of January 2013 it has sold over 1.35 million copies. Shipment data(the most recent ones) is at 1.5 million. ->
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think-man posted 22/09/2013, 01:48
I dont get why this is selling so bad:(
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Heavenly_King posted 06/02/2013, 04:00
I really hope for Tekken 7 to have a great story mode like Mortal Kombat, if not I am not buying.
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Kresnik posted 01/12/2012, 11:21
Sales seem really, really low and legs don't seem great either. Hope it picks up.
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Burning Typhoon posted 09/11/2012, 11:47
Hated Tekken 6. This game is much, much better. Glad I got TTT2 instead of DoA5.
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-girgosz- posted 04/11/2012, 12:59
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