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Review Scores

VGChartz Score



Alternative Names



343 Industries



Release Dates

11/06/12 Microsoft Studios
11/08/12 Microsoft Studios
11/06/12 Microsoft Studios

Community Stats

Owners: 96
Favorite: 10
Tracked: 16
Wishlist: 2
Now Playing: 10

Avg Community Rating:


Legacy Sales History

Total Sales

Opinion (102)

1 36,929 2,428,644 725,652 471,332 3,662,557
2 2,249 477,530 150,620 93,861 724,260
3 611 397,755 111,279 93,543 603,188
4 315 211,066 99,107 52,042 362,530
5 344 224,558 117,555 56,095 398,552
6 341 342,496 119,300 81,956 544,093
7 465 375,538 135,293 90,132 601,428
8 387 213,959 94,927 52,422 361,695
9 397 104,963 43,719 25,546 174,625
10 163 42,798 21,239 10,621 74,821
hellobion2 posted 26/11/2023, 12:22
Nothing beats halo!
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teamsilent13 posted 08/06/2016, 02:32
Maybe so Puggsly, but it doesn't change the fact that Halo 4 killed the Halo series. Halo 4 was stuck at about 20k just a few months after release and never improved even after the cheaper GOTY edition with all DLC included. 343i threw every bone at fans during Halo 4 in hopes of getting people to play and it didn't work. Halo 4 had the worst player retention in the series (time played per session) and the lowest concurrent population and fastest dropoff. That was coming off the largest sales at launch for the series. Halo 4 was a failure from any respectable halo fan. Halo 4 didn't just kill itself, but it killed the past games population and Halo 5's sales. COD had four games above Halo 4 by the end of the year, with MW2 just behind it. Halo 3 was #1 or #2 throughout its entire lifecycle until Reach. Reach hurt Halo, and Halo 4 dug it into the ground.
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Mr Puggsly posted 28/02/2016, 04:33
I went online today to see how the population is doing. It was around 4,500 this afternoon.

A lot of people still play 7th gen Halo games between the 360 releases and MCC.
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teamsilent13 posted 19/11/2015, 11:38
If it hits 10 million sales, it will be the worst game 10 million seller
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teamsilent13 posted 19/11/2015, 11:37
This seems over tracked even if digital is included. According to NPD report I read anyway. Trying to figure out the sales for Halo 4 and Reach is a little difficult because of inconsistencies.
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xboxonefan posted 25/05/2015, 03:56
This and reach cod ghosts and minecraft well overtake Wii and DS as most 10M sellers
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