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Release Dates

11/20/18 Electronic Arts
11/20/18 Electronic Arts
11/20/18 Electronic Arts

Community Stats

Owners: 4
Favorite: 1
Tracked: 0
Wishlist: 1
Now Playing: 0

Avg Community Rating:


Legacy Sales History

Total Sales

Opinion (8)

1 107,648 280,250 300,958 145,308 834,164
2 19,448 136,166 152,072 71,572 379,258
3 10,943 89,508 103,910 47,703 252,064
4 7,128 80,773 112,865 46,217 246,983
5 5,220 84,391 150,135 53,634 293,380
6 4,857 67,189 105,930 40,445 218,421
TheBird posted 22/01/2019, 09:44
IF they don't learn to ditch their stupid ideologies by next game, this series is going in the shitter. This game deserved to fail.
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think-man posted 05/01/2019, 01:14
Bought this game brand new for 28 euro
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Lolzorus posted 04/01/2019, 12:34
Except EA does not care if a game cover its expenses.

EA has a forecast for every year. If it does over forecast with a margin over 10% = Cool

If it just do the forecast = Meh

Bellow forecast = Epic fail

BF5 was forecasted to sell 15 millions unit in couple of first months, at an average price close to 60 USD.

Now we talk more and more about a 12 to 14 millions sales at a price closer to 30 USD than 60.
The game vastly underperformed, I am sorry to say but EA digital plateform is not STEAM.

EA is currently loosing sales by not distributing their game on steam.

You can project activision numbers on EA. Their user base is somewhat flat or not growing at a super fast rate to compensate physical sales drop.

I would even say their digital sales were pretty low.

The game had literally no-preorder and a digital copy was proposed 50% DC to all battlefield veteran few days after release.

EA is running youtube ad advertising the game is discounted in a lot of country.

If anything it shows the game digital sales are as low as physical.

Ea already cut 400 millions from its expectation and analyst say they should expect more.

BF5 was a disaster.

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Juma009 posted 04/01/2019, 07:26
@onlyide Not at all, entire developing staff salaries, marketing, servers maintenance, distribution, shipping plus developing costs, I'd say it needs about 5 million, besides dont forget this game is already been price dropped big time.
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oniyide posted 02/01/2019, 05:38
2 mil is not enough to cover expenses and more
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Ayla posted 01/01/2019, 06:11
Rise of digital sales. Physical is becoming more and more obsolete.
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