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Review Scores

VGChartz Score



Alternative Names

マリオ+ラビッツ キングダムバトル


Ubisoft Milan



Release Dates

08/29/17 Ubisoft
01/18/18 Nintendo
08/27/17 Ubisoft

Community Stats

Owners: 91
Favorite: 9
Tracked: 4
Wishlist: 0
Now Playing: 10

Avg Community Rating:


Shipping Total

2,000,000 Units
As of: September 2018

Player Total

10,000,000 Players
As of: August 29th, 2022

Opinion (38)

heavenmercenary01 posted 14/06/2021, 12:18
Isn't this 7.5M already?
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Sietjie posted 27/01/2019, 08:12
29 December 2018 - 2.59M
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Zeruda-Hime posted 21/01/2019, 01:47
I wait Mario + Rabbids 2 D:
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xMetroid posted 30/12/2018, 08:18
Sold so well... i'm sure Ubi are making more games for Switch right this moment
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fedfed posted 05/09/2018, 02:19
Sales look higher in here... Ubisoft announced 2mil in August!
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Munchies posted 11/05/2018, 03:30
This should easily be above 2M.
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