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Prediction League > Prediction

Weekly America Chart, 26th December 2008 - Predictions by: 11ht11

Item Prediction Bet Actual Accuracy
Rock Band 2 (Wii) 110,000 vg$ 5 196,226 56.06%
Wii Fit (Wii) 275,000 vg$ 5 316,579 86.87%
Call of Duty: World at War (X360) 320,000 vg$ 5 325,954 98.17%
Mario Kart Wii (Wii) 330,000 vg$ 5 410,186 80.45%
New Super Mario Bros (DS) 222,000 vg$ 5 392,791 56.52%
Prince of Persia (X360) 100,000 vg$ 5 94,264 93.91%
Guitar Hero: World Tour (Wii) 200,000 vg$ 5 186,634 92.84%
Wii Music (Wii) 133,000 vg$ 5 145,396 91.47%
Gears of War 2 (X360) 140,000 vg$ 5 242,044 57.84%
Call of Duty: World at War (PS3) 150,000 vg$ 5 215,922 69.47%
700,000 vg$ 5 894,911 78.22%
710,000 vg$ 5 774,400 91.68%
390,000 vg$ 5 411,523 94.77%
185,000 vg$ 5 192,934 95.89%
210,000 vg$ 5 242,216 86.7%

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