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Prediction League > Prediction

Weekly America Chart, 20th February 2009 - Predictions by: Seece

Item Prediction Bet Actual Accuracy
Street Fighter IV (X360) 400,000 vg$ 50 210,346 9.84%
Street Fighter IV (PS3) 290,000 vg$ 50 120,959 0%
Fire Emblem: Shadow Dragon (DS) 60,000 vg$ 5 27,448 0%
Dragon Quest V (DS) 40,000 vg$ 5 22,994 26.04%
Race Pro (X360) 95,000 vg$ 15 7,698 0%
Wii Fit (Wii) 180,000 vg$ 5 157,304 85.57%
Mario Kart Wii (Wii) 95,000 vg$ 5 22,632 0%
Call of Duty: World at War (PS3) 26,000 vg$ 5 15,125 28.1%
Guitar Hero: World Tour (Wii) 29,000 vg$ 5 29,437 98.52%
Gears of War 2 (X360) 27,000 vg$ 20 15,090 21.07%
180,000 vg$ 50 146,125 76.82%
240,000 vg$ 50 240,440 99.82%
98,000 vg$ 200 94,783 96.61%
63,000 vg$ 200 54,718 84.86%
55,000 vg$ 35 51,760 93.74%

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