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Prediction League > Prediction

Weekly America Chart, 06th March 2009 - Predictions by: xXSyXcIoNXx

Item Prediction Bet Actual Accuracy
Halo Wars (X360) 850,000 vg$ 5 435,206 4.69%
MLB 09: The Show (PS3) 165,000 vg$ 5 81,276 0%
Sonic and the Black Knight (Wii) 17,000 vg$ 5 32,522 52.27%
Family Ski & Snowboard (Wii) 11,000 vg$ 5 12,172 90.37%
Tom Clancy's H.A.W.X. (X360) 23,000 vg$ 5 55,602 41.37%
Street Fighter IV (X360) 50,000 vg$ 5 40,099 75.31%
F.E.A.R. 2: Project Origin (X360) 35,000 vg$ 5 13,968 0%
Wii Fit (Wii) 78,000 vg$ 5 117,868 66.18%
New Super Mario Bros (DS) 16,000 vg$ 5 18,558 86.22%
Left 4 Dead (X360) 30,000 vg$ 5 31,837 94.23%
105,000 vg$ 5 116,549 90.09%
160,000 vg$ 5 221,485 72.24%
155,000 vg$ 5 79,142 4.15%
55,000 vg$ 5 55,276 99.5%
30,000 vg$ 5 54,735 54.81%

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