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Headfirst Productions



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Release Dates

10/24/05 2K Games
(Add Date)
10/28/05 2K Games

Community Stats

Owners: 35
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Call of Cthulhu: Dark Corners of the Earth (XB) > Opinions (7)

coyot3 posted 15/08/2011, 04:08
It's a shame it's so buggy on the 360. My saves kept getting corrupted. I just gave up completely.
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rpg70 posted 16/02/2010, 01:40
this is an awesome game! dont let any reviews or internet dope tell you diffrent. Play this game and enjoy it. A great game. yes it will play on the xbox 360
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drakesfortune posted 06/03/2009, 07:36
I just finished the game, and this game is well worth the money. You die a lot in this game, and sometimes needlessly so, and it's buggy. Those are the two main reasons this didn't score in the high 80's 90's by the reviewers. The atmosphere, the story, and the gameplay make it worth playing despite the bugs and the fact that you die a little too often. I highly recommend fans of First person stealth, adventure, shooters. Just don't be afraid to look at a walkthrough if you get stuck.
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drakesfortune posted 28/02/2009, 02:08
It's too bad the game is so buggy on the 360. It's really quite a lot of fun regardless of the bugs though. The world as said before me is incredibly creepy, and the game play is very fun. More people should give this game a try. This is definitely a game I'll never sell.
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WiiBox3 posted 19/02/2009, 06:44
Great game so far, but some parts are very unforgiving. Very creepy world.
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Frinaldo posted 20/06/2008, 10:20
I really enjoyed this game but then again im a big fan of H.P Lovecrafts work
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Strategyking92 posted 01/04/2008, 11:59
is this good?
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Opinion (7)

coyot3 posted 15/08/2011, 04:08
It's a shame it's so buggy on the 360. My saves kept getting corrupted. I just gave up completely.
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rpg70 posted 16/02/2010, 01:40
this is an awesome game! dont let any reviews or internet dope tell you diffrent. Play this game and enjoy it. A great game. yes it will play on the xbox 360
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drakesfortune posted 06/03/2009, 07:36
I just finished the game, and this game is well worth the money. You die a lot in this game, and sometimes needlessly so, and it's buggy. Those are the two main reasons this didn't score in the high 80's 90's by the reviewers. The atmosphere, the story, and the gameplay make it worth playing despite the bugs and the fact that you die a little too often. I highly recommend fans of First person stealth, adventure, shooters. Just don't be afraid to look at a walkthrough if you get stuck.
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drakesfortune posted 28/02/2009, 02:08
It's too bad the game is so buggy on the 360. It's really quite a lot of fun regardless of the bugs though. The world as said before me is incredibly creepy, and the game play is very fun. More people should give this game a try. This is definitely a game I'll never sell.
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WiiBox3 posted 19/02/2009, 06:44
Great game so far, but some parts are very unforgiving. Very creepy world.
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Frinaldo posted 20/06/2008, 10:20
I really enjoyed this game but then again im a big fan of H.P Lovecrafts work
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