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Release Dates

03/22/11 Ubisoft
(Add Date)
03/25/11 Ubisoft

Community Stats

Owners: 27
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Tracked: 2
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Rayman 3D (3DS) > Opinions (23)

supernihilist posted 22/01/2014, 02:44
in the last 15 months has sold 80k units.....simply amazing.bravo Ubi. this mustve been their most profitable game in the 7th gen LOL
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oniyide posted 04/02/2013, 05:41
shows me that some people are either ignorant, have low standards, or have too much disposable income...maybe all three
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xxbrothawizxx63 posted 01/01/2013, 11:14
This game SHOULD NOT have done this well. Honestly, the iphone version is just as good if not better. The only advantage of having this game on 3DS Vs. iphone was the controls and even those weren't worth the $40 premium. Its success just goes to show the power of an accessible title that comes out t launch.
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oniyide posted 03/10/2012, 04:36
@ganoncrotch. Im pretty sure Ubi made money on the other versions of the game, so whatever it sells on 3ds is just extra bucks. and it was only released in one area they decided to hold it back till the winter a whole year after the game originally released, thats pretty dumb.
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oniyide posted 03/10/2012, 04:34
not sad for the company, probably sad for the people who bought it, but i dont feel not pity for them, there is too much info available for anyone to be buying poorly made games, it actually amuses me.
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DieAppleDie posted 19/09/2012, 10:18
people willing to buy crap, and crap being made is sad
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Ganoncrotch posted 13/08/2012, 02:43
on the upside(?) to this junk selling so much, Rayman origins a very well made really high reviewed game that just came out for the 3ds has sold almost no copies, I think anyone who might have been interested in Rayman for the 3ds has probably bought this pile of shite and gotten burned by it so now they're staying well clear of their games.

Karma in sales :o Nice to see.
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atma998 posted 12/08/2012, 07:16
Has now reached 500k, who would have thought!
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oniyide posted 09/08/2012, 07:47
its not sad at all, this is the what? 7th time Rayman 2 is being released and its a crap version as well? if people are willing to buy crap, then crap will be made.
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DieAppleDie posted 07/08/2012, 02:14
sad to see this crappy game selling that good in the EU
its the 6th best selling game there
and games like KI:U and RE:R sell half of it
shame on the EU gamers
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Ganoncrotch posted 27/07/2012, 10:09
soon gonna breach the half million mark for shoddy port of an ancient game. The joys of being cheap and people being cheap I guess. Not a great show of platforming at all on the 3ds tho, I mean I picked it up for less than half the price I got mario 3d for... but this is far less than half the game that mario is. If you want platforming go with Mario every time.
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Salnax posted 02/01/2012, 09:51
Not bad for a berated port.
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atma998 posted 24/12/2011, 02:51
373k copies sold so far, not bad!
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Fededx posted 09/09/2011, 01:05
I'm planning on buying it... (once the price drops, of course). Never played Rayman 2 so... It's the definitive version to me.
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oni-link posted 30/08/2011, 08:39
In my opinion this should have sold a lot less. I feel bad that so many ppl bought it at such a high price!!! (IMHO)
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oni-link posted 30/08/2011, 08:34
ubisoft should be ashmed of releasing this game. another nearly unplayble game (IMHO) that sold well by Ubisoft!!!
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Christian973 posted 24/04/2011, 01:22
This port is fun but really glitchy and has a ton of bugs. Bad framerate issues and terrible load times. Considering this is Ubisoft, i am not surprised at this bad lazy port. Still a fun game, but it is NOT worth 40 dollars. it's worth more like $10 if you ask me.
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BurningWave posted 10/04/2011, 11:53
Just thinking about buying this game... Is it good?
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oniyide posted 09/04/2011, 11:07
@cinetice from what i read from various sources, there are alot of bugs. It might be the worst version of them all
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cinetici posted 02/04/2011, 07:15
i mean * or time hasnt done it any justice*
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cinetici posted 02/04/2011, 07:14
damn, it was definetely one of my favs on dreamcast. So whats the problem the critics are complaining? is the port bad or hasnt done it any justice? Well, I loved Sonic Advent ure and today it became so lame, who knows
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gunslinger posted 05/03/2011, 08:31
All I know is that it's a port of the Dreamcast version of Rayman 2. which is just fine because that game was AWESOME.
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Smeags posted 22/02/2011, 03:50
So is there any footage of this game out? Any impressions? The lack of any information on this game (and it's a launch game too) worries me...
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Legacy Sales History

Total Sales

Opinion (23)

1 n/a n/a 33,225 3,692 36,917
2 n/a 24,328 15,363 5,342 45,033
3 n/a 6,108 7,273 1,721 15,102
4 n/a 3,786 5,630 1,192 10,608
5 n/a 2,672 4,470 896 8,038
6 n/a 2,229 3,197 688 6,114
7 n/a 1,979 2,309 553 4,841
8 n/a 1,107 3,152 515 4,774
9 n/a 2,771 2,934 740 6,445
10 n/a 3,119 2,564 751 6,434
supernihilist posted 22/01/2014, 02:44
in the last 15 months has sold 80k units.....simply amazing.bravo Ubi. this mustve been their most profitable game in the 7th gen LOL
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oniyide posted 04/02/2013, 05:41
shows me that some people are either ignorant, have low standards, or have too much disposable income...maybe all three
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xxbrothawizxx63 posted 01/01/2013, 11:14
This game SHOULD NOT have done this well. Honestly, the iphone version is just as good if not better. The only advantage of having this game on 3DS Vs. iphone was the controls and even those weren't worth the $40 premium. Its success just goes to show the power of an accessible title that comes out t launch.
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oniyide posted 03/10/2012, 04:36
@ganoncrotch. Im pretty sure Ubi made money on the other versions of the game, so whatever it sells on 3ds is just extra bucks. and it was only released in one area they decided to hold it back till the winter a whole year after the game originally released, thats pretty dumb.
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oniyide posted 03/10/2012, 04:34
not sad for the company, probably sad for the people who bought it, but i dont feel not pity for them, there is too much info available for anyone to be buying poorly made games, it actually amuses me.
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DieAppleDie posted 19/09/2012, 10:18
people willing to buy crap, and crap being made is sad
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