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Alternative Names

アルティメット マーヴル VS. カプコン 3





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All, PC, PS4, XOne

Release Dates

02/15/12 Capcom
12/17/11 Capcom
02/22/12 Capcom

Community Stats

Owners: 17
Favorite: 2
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Now Playing: 2

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Ultimate Marvel vs. Capcom 3 (PSV) > Opinions (11)

AngryAztec posted 17/07/2014, 12:12
@oniyide - Stop spewing falsehoods. SFvT requires the SAME amount of RAM as SSFIV. And they even asked Ono why there was no 3DS version of SFvT and he said, and I quote: "No particular reason". He didn't say the 3DS lacked RAM. He didn't say the 3DS couldn't handle it. He just said that there was no reason at all as to why there wasn't a port. And BTW, UMvC3 has the same RAM requirements as SSFIV and SFvT.
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Ganoncrotch posted 14/06/2013, 12:49
whoa angry swearing at a comment I made here a year ago, well my comment was actually in reference to the ps3's 256mb of system Ram if you had mastered reading before going into maths I didn't compare it's memory to the Vita since this is a port I was comparing it to where the original game came from to begin with. Doesn't matter much anyway this game much like Capcoms other fighting game for the vita both sold appallingly bad next to Street fighter 4 3d on the vita so I doubt it will be hardware limitations which stop further games coming for the system.
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oniyide posted 05/05/2013, 05:09
hence why the game is on Vita and not 3DS, PS1 had a similar issue with low ram, which is why their Vs games sucked so bad, and the Saturn ones didnt.
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DietSoap posted 14/04/2013, 04:29

Speaking of resolution, you realize that's entirely a matter of VRAM right? And that the 3DS has an unbelievably low amount, 4mb of VRAM, where as the Vita has 128mb of VRAM?

And Vita has 640mb of total ram, where in the actual fuck are you getting 256mb? Or are you simply that terrible at math? That'd come out to nearly 5 times the ram. System ram is 512mb for Vita and 128mb for 3DS, 4 times the amount.
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Kresnik posted 11/01/2013, 05:20
Adjusted up about 20-30k in the USA based on December's NPD.
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Ganoncrotch posted 09/07/2012, 10:54
lol :> the 3ds has 128mb of ram you know that's just half what the ps3 has right? and you are saying you don't think that would be enough manage the models from the same game but scaled down to less than 1/4 the resolution? It would be best if you are unsure about such things to not comment on them rather than being rather rude about it.
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oniyide posted 15/06/2012, 04:29
wrong, this game is not in the same league as SF4, this game requires ALOT of ram, something Vita has an 3ds doesnt. Some changes?? Try alot, it would have just been like the PS1 VS games, you couldnt even switch in those. Its not about Polys its about RAM with these games, probably the same reason why SFxT is going to Vita and not 3DS. Just get a Vita if you want to play these so bad. I got both.
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xxbrothawizxx63 posted 22/05/2012, 03:07
Saying MvC3 couldn't run on 3DS is just unbelievably foolish when considering the ever-increasing quality of Capcom's MtFramework mobile games on the 3DS. SSFIV was a pretty ok port for a first gen title on a platform with a COMPLETELY different architecture and generally much weaker capabilities than the original platform. Mercs was also somewhat impressive, but Capcom showed their true prowess with the system and how far they had come with Revelations. RE smashes the polycounts of any scene in SSFIV 3D and does it with far better lighting and texture quality. I'm not saying they'd be able to port MvC3 without any change, but it could very well be a very fitting port that was more than serviceable (likely with the common downfalls of 3DS fighters though, 30 fps in 3D and 60fps in 2D maybe with some AA).
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oniyide posted 15/05/2012, 10:34
are you for real?? This game CANNOT run on 3DS, thats why its on Vita, you jealous??
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xxbrothawizxx63 posted 15/05/2012, 04:00
Lol, these sales are hilariously bad in the face of SSFIV 3D and even Dead or Alive Dimensions.....
(and no, digital sales would not close the gap. Digital sales likely wouldn't even equal half these numbers, much less double).
Guess Capcom made a mistake deciding to bring SFxT to Vita instead of 3DS.
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Heavenly_King posted 17/04/2012, 10:18
I bought this for my VITA, and it looks amazing!!! It is like having a PS3 portable :D
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Legacy Sales History

Total Sales

Opinion (11)

1 n/a 8,190 n/a 1,224 9,414
2 n/a 18,630 8,995 3,319 30,944
3 n/a 7,869 2,881 1,347 12,097
4 n/a 4,016 1,763 705 6,484
5 n/a 3,431 967 570 4,968
6 n/a 2,718 1,079 470 4,267
7 n/a 2,321 894 400 3,615
8 n/a 2,189 925 381 3,495
9 n/a 2,033 681 345 3,059
10 n/a 1,848 651 315 2,814
AngryAztec posted 17/07/2014, 12:12
@oniyide - Stop spewing falsehoods. SFvT requires the SAME amount of RAM as SSFIV. And they even asked Ono why there was no 3DS version of SFvT and he said, and I quote: "No particular reason". He didn't say the 3DS lacked RAM. He didn't say the 3DS couldn't handle it. He just said that there was no reason at all as to why there wasn't a port. And BTW, UMvC3 has the same RAM requirements as SSFIV and SFvT.
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Ganoncrotch posted 14/06/2013, 12:49
whoa angry swearing at a comment I made here a year ago, well my comment was actually in reference to the ps3's 256mb of system Ram if you had mastered reading before going into maths I didn't compare it's memory to the Vita since this is a port I was comparing it to where the original game came from to begin with. Doesn't matter much anyway this game much like Capcoms other fighting game for the vita both sold appallingly bad next to Street fighter 4 3d on the vita so I doubt it will be hardware limitations which stop further games coming for the system.
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oniyide posted 05/05/2013, 05:09
hence why the game is on Vita and not 3DS, PS1 had a similar issue with low ram, which is why their Vs games sucked so bad, and the Saturn ones didnt.
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DietSoap posted 14/04/2013, 04:29

Speaking of resolution, you realize that's entirely a matter of VRAM right? And that the 3DS has an unbelievably low amount, 4mb of VRAM, where as the Vita has 128mb of VRAM?

And Vita has 640mb of total ram, where in the actual fuck are you getting 256mb? Or are you simply that terrible at math? That'd come out to nearly 5 times the ram. System ram is 512mb for Vita and 128mb for 3DS, 4 times the amount.
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Kresnik posted 11/01/2013, 05:20
Adjusted up about 20-30k in the USA based on December's NPD.
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Ganoncrotch posted 09/07/2012, 10:54
lol :> the 3ds has 128mb of ram you know that's just half what the ps3 has right? and you are saying you don't think that would be enough manage the models from the same game but scaled down to less than 1/4 the resolution? It would be best if you are unsure about such things to not comment on them rather than being rather rude about it.
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