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Sony Online Entertainment



Release Dates

07/09/03 LucasArts
12/23/04 Electronic Arts
11/07/03 LucasArts

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Star Wars Galaxies: An Empire Divided (PC) > Opinions (3)

BrainBoxLtd posted 03/04/2009, 04:10
I recently bought "The Best of Star Wars - PC" which came with five Star Wars games in one box. Turns out it also includes a copy of Star Wars Galaxies as well and a 14-day trial, even though it wasn’t one of the five games mentioned on the front cover. Like it’s an embarrassment. They’d rather say the set has five games then six and admit Galaxies is in there.

I spent over 3 and half years on Galaxies and quit in winter of 2006 swearing never to go back to it. Now part of me is tempted to use this opportunity to see what's left of it, even for just nostalgia’s sake. But the other part of me thinks I should just let it go.

Really don’t know what I’m going to do.

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quigontcb posted 10/02/2008, 11:11
I quit for good about 2 years ago, but I know as of a few months ago that the game does still have the third phase/build/whatever. That was the final straw with me. I loved the CU too, as it actually made professions other than teras kasi/doctors, or rifleman competitive. Finally my smuggler was halfway decent in combat, but the promised smuggling missions never came, so I dabbled in bounty hunting a bit. My alt character was a musician, before moving on to being a shipwright.

I really do miss the old game, and the old friends that were still around. I've even considered re-subscribing one day just so I can mosey around the old haunts like Mos Espa and the Theed cantina.
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Quilex posted 18/01/2008, 04:59
If anyone would like to tell me why I should maybe re-install this I would love to here it. I played this game every moment I had when I got it ( about 4 months after launch) up until they changed the basic play of the game to the NGE or what ever it was called I liked the CU upgrade but could not bring my self to carry on after the levels system was added.

I liked having a diverse character not a super hero in one aspect. I'd be interested to know if my houses are still around I had them all decorated with my plunder. I still go look at the screen shots I took before canceling my superscription, and rember the great time I had in that galaxy far far away.
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Shipping Total

1,000,000 Units
As of: August 2005

Opinion (3)

BrainBoxLtd posted 03/04/2009, 04:10
I recently bought "The Best of Star Wars - PC" which came with five Star Wars games in one box. Turns out it also includes a copy of Star Wars Galaxies as well and a 14-day trial, even though it wasn’t one of the five games mentioned on the front cover. Like it’s an embarrassment. They’d rather say the set has five games then six and admit Galaxies is in there.

I spent over 3 and half years on Galaxies and quit in winter of 2006 swearing never to go back to it. Now part of me is tempted to use this opportunity to see what's left of it, even for just nostalgia’s sake. But the other part of me thinks I should just let it go.

Really don’t know what I’m going to do.

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quigontcb posted 10/02/2008, 11:11
I quit for good about 2 years ago, but I know as of a few months ago that the game does still have the third phase/build/whatever. That was the final straw with me. I loved the CU too, as it actually made professions other than teras kasi/doctors, or rifleman competitive. Finally my smuggler was halfway decent in combat, but the promised smuggling missions never came, so I dabbled in bounty hunting a bit. My alt character was a musician, before moving on to being a shipwright.

I really do miss the old game, and the old friends that were still around. I've even considered re-subscribing one day just so I can mosey around the old haunts like Mos Espa and the Theed cantina.
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Quilex posted 18/01/2008, 04:59
If anyone would like to tell me why I should maybe re-install this I would love to here it. I played this game every moment I had when I got it ( about 4 months after launch) up until they changed the basic play of the game to the NGE or what ever it was called I liked the CU upgrade but could not bring my self to carry on after the levels system was added.

I liked having a diverse character not a super hero in one aspect. I'd be interested to know if my houses are still around I had them all decorated with my plunder. I still go look at the screen shots I took before canceling my superscription, and rember the great time I had in that galaxy far far away.
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