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Review Scores



Alternative Names

エンスレイブド オデッセイ トゥ ザ ウェスト


Ninja Theory



Other Versions

All, PC, X360

Release Dates

10/05/10 Namco Bandai
10/07/10 Namco Bandai
10/08/10 Namco Bandai

Community Stats

Owners: 157
Favorite: 10
Tracked: 1
Wishlist: 8
Now Playing: 3

Avg Community Rating:


Enslaved: Odyssey to the West - Summary

Enslaved takes players on a gripping, surprise-filled journey as two dissimilar characters form an uneasy union in order to survive their way through a perilous, post-apocalyptic America. A tactical action-adventure game, Enslaved centers on the complex relationship between the two main characters and challenges players to employ a mix of combat, strategy and environment traversal. With influences and contributions from top music and film industry talent, Enslaved combines beautifully rendered graphics and captivating music with seamless animation and engrossing gameplay.

Legacy Sales History

Total Sales

Opinion (31)

1 2,918 14,076 17,394 7,901 42,289
2 1,079 5,945 9,566 4,077 20,667
3 543 4,971 6,013 2,747 14,274
4 373 4,148 8,177 3,346 16,044
5 324 4,690 7,871 3,325 16,210
6 292 2,663 3,643 1,612 8,210
7 271 1,801 2,779 1,195 6,046
8 268 2,538 2,693 1,277 6,776
9 259 2,105 2,807 1,251 6,422
10 262 2,348 2,332 1,128 6,070
DamnTastic posted 13/07/2013, 03:41
great game.
poor sales :l
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AndrewWK posted 15/12/2012, 05:15
This is a really good game. Too bad it didnĀ“t sold better
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SolidGear3 posted 18/11/2011, 09:19
Let me clean up that last sentence.. Why does 80% of the games that I preorder or buy at launch always have poor sales?!
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SolidGear3 posted 18/11/2011, 09:18
Another underrated gem I bought at launch. Why does 80% I preorder at buy at launch sell ao poorly?!
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green_sky posted 10/08/2011, 07:35
Great game bogged down by framerate issues.
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Neos posted 30/06/2011, 12:43
great game!
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