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Alternative Names

エンスレイブド オデッセイ トゥ ザ ウェスト


Ninja Theory



Other Versions

All, PC, X360

Release Dates

10/05/10 Namco Bandai
10/07/10 Namco Bandai
10/08/10 Namco Bandai

Community Stats

Owners: 157
Favorite: 10
Tracked: 1
Wishlist: 8
Now Playing: 3

Avg Community Rating:


Enslaved: Odyssey to the West (PS3) > Opinions (31)

DamnTastic posted 13/07/2013, 03:41
great game.
poor sales :l
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AndrewWK posted 15/12/2012, 05:15
This is a really good game. Too bad it didn´t sold better
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SolidGear3 posted 18/11/2011, 09:19
Let me clean up that last sentence.. Why does 80% of the games that I preorder or buy at launch always have poor sales?!
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SolidGear3 posted 18/11/2011, 09:18
Another underrated gem I bought at launch. Why does 80% I preorder at buy at launch sell ao poorly?!
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green_sky posted 10/08/2011, 07:35
Great game bogged down by framerate issues.
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Neos posted 30/06/2011, 12:43
great game!
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Turkish posted 28/06/2011, 04:44
One of the best cult games ever made, a very unique game.
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A203D posted 10/06/2011, 07:50
I have no idea how the Unreal Engine is going to handle a DMC game, no idea.
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VXIII posted 30/05/2011, 07:08
fail post _-_
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VXIII posted 30/05/2011, 07:08
This game is full of gliches , framThis game is full of gliches , framerate drops , screen tearing , now i understand why people bash the Unreal engine all the time , very good game nonethelesserate drops , screen tearing , now i understand why people bash the Unreal engine all the time , very good game nonetheless
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Slimebeast posted 14/05/2011, 06:34
Gimgak, not undertracked. The 730k means shipped, VGC tracks copies sold to end consumers.
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Gimgak posted 11/05/2011, 03:22
undertracked, namco said the game sold 730k total while this + 360 here is only 560k.
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A203D posted 28/12/2010, 09:22
I just finished it, and i think its an excellent game, okay theres a few things that didnt work imo, and the low framerate and screen tearing was very annoying; but i really hope it does better. its just a great experience; i wish NT developed exclusive for PS3 with this, it wouldve got the recognition it deserved!
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A203D posted 28/12/2010, 09:22
I just finished it, and i think its an excellent game, okay theres a few things that didnt work imo, and the low framerate and screen tearing was very annoying; but i really hope it does better. its just a great experience; i wish NT developed exclusive for PS3 with this, it wouldve got the recognition it deserved!
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Ultr posted 27/12/2010, 01:57
great it bombed... I wanted to love it but, it is so boring, gameplay is so damn repetitive, and story sucks anyway, only good thing is the acting.... AND yeah thanks for bringing such a BAD port to the ps3...!
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ArcticGabe posted 14/12/2010, 03:37
I thought the sales on 360 were bad, then I found this...
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gustave154 posted 13/12/2010, 05:14
tbh i i knew this will happen after all the developers did was trashtalking sony and the PS3. this game does NOT deserve this sales. it deserves LESS
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chocoloco posted 10/12/2010, 02:01
This game deserves more sales, but I am ashamed to say I only rented it because it is short, but it lasts longer playing on hard. What can I say I have only so much money.
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palitococo posted 09/12/2010, 02:12
Ninja Theory should do this game with Sony, thats the reason because Sucker punch, Insomniac Games (aside the EA game), prefer make exclusive games, Sony really know how to sell their games , and this confirm that Multiplat games dont necessarily sell better.
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jadakiss1217 posted 26/11/2010, 12:20
Bought the game last week and I have to say it's worth the $40 I spent on it.
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insomniac17 posted 10/11/2010, 07:33
I bought this yesterday on Amazon for $25. I've been dying to play it since I tried the demo, but I wasn't sure if it was worth $60, considering it's supposed to be fairly short. I'm sad to see that a lot of other people seem to think the same; I hope this game sells a lot more.
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Porcupine_I posted 08/11/2010, 11:20
it is really sad when great games like this one bomb
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A203D posted 03/11/2010, 09:48
Well Castlevania has done pretty well actully, combined, and not out in Japan yet, but its really sad for Ninja Theory, you could see they put their heart into this game.
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Vueguy posted 01/11/2010, 05:29
well well, announced DMC reboot before the game release and this is what happen.not only that, but this game is ok in my eyes, not worth $60 plus tax anyway.
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Zlejedi posted 29/10/2010, 12:23
they should have made HS2 as PS3 exclusive instead
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haxxiy posted 25/10/2010, 10:05
Castlevania, Enslaved and Vanquish were slated for failure from the beginning due to bad timing. There's always hope for legs and some nice deals still.
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Darkeagle posted 25/10/2010, 05:12
i feel bad for the game and ninja theory :( ... all the interesting games bomb, thats a shame. same thing with great movies like scott pilgrim vs. the world :/
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DarkBahamut87 posted 23/10/2010, 11:12
I hope they'll resolve themselves to localize Tales, now...
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pablogers posted 23/10/2010, 08:44
horrible, i remember ninja theory being bad about sales of heavenly sword so they wanted to go multiplat.... wll here are the results
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thelastsoldier posted 23/10/2010, 02:36
big time
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Kantor posted 23/10/2010, 02:10
This really tanked :/
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Legacy Sales History

Total Sales

Opinion (31)

1 2,918 14,076 17,394 7,901 42,289
2 1,079 5,945 9,566 4,077 20,667
3 543 4,971 6,013 2,747 14,274
4 373 4,148 8,177 3,346 16,044
5 324 4,690 7,871 3,325 16,210
6 292 2,663 3,643 1,612 8,210
7 271 1,801 2,779 1,195 6,046
8 268 2,538 2,693 1,277 6,776
9 259 2,105 2,807 1,251 6,422
10 262 2,348 2,332 1,128 6,070
DamnTastic posted 13/07/2013, 03:41
great game.
poor sales :l
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AndrewWK posted 15/12/2012, 05:15
This is a really good game. Too bad it didn´t sold better
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SolidGear3 posted 18/11/2011, 09:19
Let me clean up that last sentence.. Why does 80% of the games that I preorder or buy at launch always have poor sales?!
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SolidGear3 posted 18/11/2011, 09:18
Another underrated gem I bought at launch. Why does 80% I preorder at buy at launch sell ao poorly?!
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green_sky posted 10/08/2011, 07:35
Great game bogged down by framerate issues.
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Neos posted 30/06/2011, 12:43
great game!
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