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Review Scores



Alternative Names

Super Mario Stadium Miracle Baseball

スーパーマリオスタジアム ミラクルベースボール


Namco / NOW Production



Release Dates

08/29/05 Nintendo
07/21/05 Nintendo
11/11/05 Nintendo

Community Stats

Owners: 86
Favorite: 3
Tracked: 0
Wishlist: 0
Now Playing: 0

Avg Community Rating:


Mario Superstar Baseball (GC) > Opinions (6)

RCTjunkie posted 05/04/2009, 09:45
This was so much fun on the Cube! The Wii one is exacly like this but better, so I unfortounately can't recommend it to Wii owners.
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MANUELF posted 26/03/2008, 02:12
with the japanese sales this is a million seller, Why are separate?
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PsyGol posted 27/12/2007, 04:45
Excelente juego para jugar con un amigo. 8/10
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ugg1020 posted 08/12/2007, 03:03
I love this game! Why do most people dislike it so?
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fazz posted 10/08/2007, 02:11
I didn't knew this game existed.
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MontanaHatchet posted 09/08/2007, 05:14
Added release dates, box art, screenshots, developer, and I altered the rating from abysmal to awful.
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Shipping Total

1,050,000 Units
As of: December 2014

Opinion (6)

RCTjunkie posted 05/04/2009, 09:45
This was so much fun on the Cube! The Wii one is exacly like this but better, so I unfortounately can't recommend it to Wii owners.
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MANUELF posted 26/03/2008, 02:12
with the japanese sales this is a million seller, Why are separate?
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PsyGol posted 27/12/2007, 04:45
Excelente juego para jugar con un amigo. 8/10
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ugg1020 posted 08/12/2007, 03:03
I love this game! Why do most people dislike it so?
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fazz posted 10/08/2007, 02:11
I didn't knew this game existed.
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MontanaHatchet posted 09/08/2007, 05:14
Added release dates, box art, screenshots, developer, and I altered the rating from abysmal to awful.
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