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Epic Games



Other Versions

PC, X360

Release Dates

12/11/07 Midway Games
09/18/08 Electronic Arts
02/22/08 Midway Games

Community Stats

Owners: 285
Favorite: 2
Tracked: 0
Wishlist: 0
Now Playing: 0

Avg Community Rating:


Unreal Tournament III (PS3) > Opinions (134)

 1  2 
Boutros posted 02/04/2010, 01:54
I love this game. But, strangely enough, I thought the singleplayer was better than the multiplayer. People are simply too good online.
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homer posted 13/02/2010, 01:55
One million seller with Japanese sales? jk
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Rob6021 posted 10/11/2009, 08:00
Too old school for me.. kind of needs a mouse - that doesn't fix how it gets boring quickly.
Message | Report posted 29/09/2009, 08:49
Very good FPS. Still play from time to time.
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PlaystaionGamer posted 13/09/2009, 11:44
wish i hadnt sold it
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AdventWolf posted 24/08/2009, 10:24
Good game, I still played CoD4 more though.
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MAFKKA posted 24/08/2009, 04:54
review 1.0 ? And still be damn close to being one of the greater FPS games on the PS3 :D
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Dark Odin posted 30/07/2009, 12:07
great game!
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Goodfella posted 02/07/2009, 09:48
I can't get into this...
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Boutros posted 20/06/2009, 06:50
But you can use a mouse and a keyboard on the PS3 version. BTW it's not crappy.
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HanzoTheRazor posted 13/05/2009, 04:04
8/10 PS3 version is were its at! It has become a good game, now.
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Jinova posted 29/03/2009, 10:23
Someone gave me a 360 and I traded in my PS3 version. Now with Titan pack out, looks like I need to buy the PS3 version again. Trophy support and 19 maps?? VERY nice.
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Avarice28 posted 25/03/2009, 09:57
Wow the trophy support was a pleasant surprise and the split screen was also a nice addition. I had this game collecting dust and now it is seeing some new playtime right next to Killzone 2 (though I am a little bias and still play K2 more)
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Skeeuk posted 24/03/2009, 05:58
usa titan patch dont work on uk game damn................i will wait till it arrives over here hopefully the midway servers will be back.
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Goodfella posted 11/03/2009, 03:23
Patch is now live.
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dawve24 posted 07/03/2009, 07:18
Just reinstalled this and all my favourite maps. Hopefully the titan pack will have more folks online.
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Artur posted 26/02/2009, 01:36
After the update gonna get wireless keyboard and mouse for this game. Check it out on
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Euphoria14 posted 25/02/2009, 07:23
Greatest online shooter!

I own all you noobs.
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Skeeuk posted 22/02/2009, 03:37
jus got this back.

bring on the titan update please.
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xxxvitoxxx posted 21/02/2009, 04:40
getting this after hearing it will have tropies
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NicholasCage posted 21/02/2009, 01:20
Getting this soon, only $9.99 in my local store, Brand New :P.
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Simulacrum posted 07/01/2009, 10:45
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Stats87 posted 07/01/2009, 12:40
Well Montana,

Haze currently sits at 40k more sales then UT3 =D
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Sephiroth357 posted 31/12/2008, 06:35
Just bought this.

Pretty good.
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erodrig85 posted 27/12/2008, 06:29
great game it lacked behing 2k4 edition in terms of a better story driven game thats why this game lag so much in sale people thinking this game had a decent story but some who played this on pc should know or even played the older ones that Unreal Games are more SHUT UP ! & KILL! well i love the integration of mods and maps through the pc and i even can play with the Halo guy and the Crysis as well and add levels from diffrent FPS games thats amazing
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Jo21 posted 26/12/2008, 04:24
well it looks like gears can be done on the ps3 and thats the best looking 360 game
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Seraphic_Sixaxis posted 05/12/2008, 08:10
Yay! im finally gonna try the Latest Unreal game, and on a console for that matter! :P
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charbelelnasr2000001 posted 28/11/2008, 10:39
Another game that outsold the 360 version.
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ameratsu posted 26/08/2008, 08:12
Good game, surprisingly good transition to console. I've owned it since release and in the past month or two it's been a challenge to simply find a single low ping server with people playing.
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darkgemini posted 15/08/2008, 10:44
Well, all together it sold over one Million units, 550.00 an PC, 490.000 PS3 and 240.0000 xbox3... Hope there will be another unreal game, soon :)
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Hc218 posted 21/07/2008, 11:48
lets Play Unreal Tournament 3 on PS3!!!
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Yakuzaice posted 20/07/2008, 02:01
Sheesh, it seems like ioi adjusted a lot of PS3 games down this week.

Retribution for having to adjust MGS4 up? lol
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Yakuzaice posted 18/07/2008, 09:42
Well Europe is much more PC oriented, and the PC version came out months before.

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PS360ForTheWin posted 18/07/2008, 09:08
how has UT3 not sold over 1m yet? this game is great, it deserves over 3m sales, yet has less than 1m
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Stats87 posted 17/07/2008, 12:30
This did much worse then I thought it would in EU. I would have guessed around 350k by this point.
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dawve24 posted 06/07/2008, 01:56
Ordered it today. Hope its good.
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MontanaHatchet posted 05/07/2008, 06:00
Haze won't pass it, it gets adjusted so much that it doesn't even increase in sales week after week.
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Dark Odin posted 27/06/2008, 02:50
itĀ“s better than R6V2, Army of Two and has worst sales..

even Haze will pass this game.
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MontanaHatchet posted 26/06/2008, 11:26
It's going to be released in Japan by the end of the year.
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PooperScooper posted 12/06/2008, 08:25
Will this game ever be released in Japan? I know it would sell like crap but more copies sold is more copies sold.
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DMeisterJ posted 09/06/2008, 03:25
1/2 mil.

That's pretty awesome.
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ameratsu posted 05/06/2008, 04:14
anyone want to play this game? PM me
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segajon posted 03/06/2008, 04:01
great game, more people should buy it.
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PS360ForTheWin posted 23/05/2008, 04:35
450k or so its at now on PS3, this game is better than Halo 3 online IMO yet its not selling well.
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Oemenia posted 21/05/2008, 12:56
Looks like its stopped selling, all in all a pretty good port. I feel sorry for Epic, they actually made the PC game MORE like UT99, yet they are being called sellouts. They got plenty of crap from purists for UT2K3/4 for making it harder yet now going back to roots is also selling out?

Oh well, i hope this is helping them claw back their losses. Also, the 360 version if advertised well and they push the Gears content with it may become a big hit, this certainly did on a smaller fanbase
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aspirin posted 02/05/2008, 04:22
I got it for at 4.99 euro on :D (they later corrected the price ...)
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Skeeuk posted 17/04/2008, 09:53
400k thats not to bad for an online only type of game, i think this game will have som legs, and keep creeping up the sales
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SS5656 posted 07/04/2008, 10:03
this game rules
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Damstr8 posted 06/04/2008, 05:13
this game is soo good....its just ridiculous
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hunter_alien posted 05/04/2008, 01:31
600k is certain . If it will drop its price down fast , maybe even more :?
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mastershake100 posted 28/03/2008, 12:17
its undertracked. definitely will hit 1 mil on ps3 alone.
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playnext3 posted 26/03/2008, 10:57
good game fo a good console
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Aj_habfan posted 21/03/2008, 12:53
360k, this game has some legs.
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BMaker11 posted 17/03/2008, 09:20
Whether it be 1 million shipped or sold.....the numbers here are only at 340k, and I doubt that the PC version made up the rest to get anything CLOSE to 1 million combined
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Zim posted 16/03/2008, 01:53
Dark Odin it's 1million shipped for PS3 and PC. Not sold. 1million shipped for both platforms seems pretty reasonable looking at Vgchartz numbers.

It's funny seeing all the people here claiming it will be a million seller for sure though. Really that's just crazy with the current sales figures. Unless Vgchartz is majorly wrong then it will struggle to even make a million in entire lifetime Ps3 sales.

Eu figures are likely going to keep dropping and level out lower, then as more games come out for the PS3 less and less people will buy it. Once KZ2, Haze, R:FoM2 etc are out I can't imagine many people choosing to pick up UT3
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Dark Odin posted 13/03/2008, 04:30
Unreal Tournament III Sells 1 Million Units (PC + PS3)

cĀ“mon, 650k just for PC???
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cool48 posted 12/03/2008, 04:22
I heard that this game was undertracked on this site but that was at gamespot, so they might of just been saying stupid shit to make the site look bad.
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Squall_Leonhart posted 12/03/2008, 01:46
This could crawl to one million, one day anyway lol
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DogWeed posted 11/03/2008, 08:37
i dont get why people say this is a million seller, its been out for a long time and it doesnt even have 400k yet
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MontanaHatchet posted 09/03/2008, 07:20
Bwa ha ha, a million is guaranteed!

Just sit and watch!
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hunter_alien posted 08/03/2008, 11:02
Million ... well , Im not shure anymore , but deffinatly 600k ....
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Lavos posted 04/03/2008, 07:03
This game rules.... hope sales increase because of Europe...
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Marty8370 posted 02/03/2008, 10:59
It defo a million seller in the making, Euro sales will make it happen. Just will take a while to get going, like Uncharted it will have long legs.
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MontanaHatchet posted 02/03/2008, 01:16
If you don't think this can reach a million, you have no idea.
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Damstr8 posted 02/03/2008, 12:58
ok....we'll see
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Aj_habfan posted 01/03/2008, 07:33
Million? HA! This won't even reach 500k.
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Damstr8 posted 28/02/2008, 08:52
Million seller?....yes...i think it can happen
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cool48 posted 27/02/2008, 10:40
Next weeks numbers (second week) will be higher.
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saintcross posted 26/02/2008, 01:36
bought the game at UK launch,this game is pretty awesome why aren't more people buying this game
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outlawauron posted 26/02/2008, 04:35
This sit right past 500k. This is no million seller.
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Marty8370 posted 24/02/2008, 10:38
UT3 is'nt a flop, it's a million seller in the making.
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hunter_alien posted 22/02/2008, 02:58
300k minimum in the US , while it will do more in Others ... bealive me , this is far from a flop ...
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NYANKS posted 21/02/2008, 03:54
I feel bad for this game. Europe is coming! This game seems to be very good, it deserved better here.......
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darkgemini posted 20/02/2008, 08:35
I think many people buy it for PC, especially in Europe. Many people have it already for PC ;)
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Kamahl posted 20/02/2008, 04:39
out in europe in 2/3 days!

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Bozotheclown posted 13/02/2008, 02:12
How do you say flop in english?

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StarcraftManiac posted 11/02/2008, 08:32
this game hasn't been released yet in the EU... Hmmm, i don't think i'll end up buying it! Might just get the demo though ^^... (Free stuff, ghehe )!
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thanny posted 09/02/2008, 05:32
wow this is being outsold by zack & wiki :P

that MUST mean that this is a flop
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DMeisterJ posted 07/02/2008, 10:46
This needs europe now!
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cool48 posted 05/02/2008, 02:41
It's coming out feb 22 in EU.
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rukusa posted 31/01/2008, 11:17

Europe is FPS land :P, It should sell much better there, especially with some advertisement to boot.
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Kamahl posted 31/01/2008, 06:36
why is everyone saying its a flop... i mean 200k isn't bad for just the US, everyone knows it will do better in europe, maybe even sell twice as much as in the US, will anyone call it a flop when it reaches 600k (when its released in europe) cause im sure it will.
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Munkeh111 posted 28/01/2008, 09:22
Poor sales, but Europe should make up for it, but it will still not have great sales. I think CoD killed this games' sales
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Damstr8 posted 27/01/2008, 05:35
^ no
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FelmanX posted 27/01/2008, 06:36
am I allowed to say 'epic flop'?
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zackblue posted 26/01/2008, 12:39
I bought cod4 for 360 instead =/ I really wanted to buy this game, but it came out during the holidays it was either halo 3 + cod4 or this game.
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iclim4 posted 25/01/2008, 05:44
Loved this game.
dont forget to download all the free user created mods.

Mos id recommend.
Jetpacks- just plain fun.
thirdperson view- Gears of war feel.
Vastoautoshield- Halo esque feeling. you get armor if youdont receive damage for a certain period of time.

dont forget all the extra custom maps

so the games fun, plus non stop mods?
what more can you ask? its an investment that keeps getting better.
buy the game ^^
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DeadOnArrival06 posted 23/01/2008, 06:19
I'm dissapointed in these figures. People need to support this game. I hope DMC sells better on PS3 than on 360.
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Bigevil posted 17/01/2008, 05:39
the sales aren't all that great but this game rocks
ps3 owners get this game
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DMeisterJ posted 17/01/2008, 02:47
@ naysayers

Let's not forget that the same was said about HS and Uncharted when they first came out, then once Eu numbers came in, HS is now at close to 800k and Uncharted is near 850k. Neither are flops.

@ OkeyDokey

I'd hate to say this to a friend, but you will eat your words. :(
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SpeedBreaker posted 15/01/2008, 04:13
this game will flop............on 360. Reason why: VF5 on 360 sold less even if it got online and 360 fanboys keep on braging about it will sell more than the ps3 version but the sells has been abysmal. But then again, this is a shooter and 360 is the shooters console,so we'll see.
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segajon posted 15/01/2008, 04:24
Calling it right now.
A future Million Seller.................................I hope.
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segajon posted 13/01/2008, 08:16
Agree with stats87

Eurpoe will make sure this game sells more than the 360 version.
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Munkeh111 posted 10/01/2008, 07:42
@ dannyphantom, March/April
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dannyphantom105 posted 09/01/2008, 11:15
when does it release in europe?
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SpeedBreaker posted 09/01/2008, 03:56
if you think that, compare vf5 on ps3 and xbox 360.

see the changes.
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slipknot0129 posted 09/01/2008, 01:52
i think it will sell better on xbox 360 because there are more hardcore people on xbox 360
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Stats87 posted 09/01/2008, 08:52

The PS3 version will outsell the 360 version worldwide, Europe will ensure it.
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segajon posted 09/01/2008, 02:15
Every Ps3 owner should al the least consider buying this game.
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boulin99 posted 08/01/2008, 11:22
Whether its a flop or not, it's fun
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 1   2 

Legacy Sales History

Total Sales

Opinion (134)

1 n/a 58,758 n/a 10,369 69,127
2 n/a 32,436 n/a 5,724 38,160
3 n/a 19,231 n/a 3,394 22,625
4 n/a 12,790 n/a 2,257 15,047
5 n/a 8,303 n/a 1,465 9,768
6 n/a 6,790 n/a 1,198 7,988
7 n/a 7,273 n/a 1,283 8,556
8 n/a 5,904 n/a 1,042 6,946
9 n/a 5,307 n/a 937 6,244
10 n/a 4,625 n/a 816 5,441
Boutros posted 02/04/2010, 01:54
I love this game. But, strangely enough, I thought the singleplayer was better than the multiplayer. People are simply too good online.
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homer posted 13/02/2010, 01:55
One million seller with Japanese sales? jk
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Rob6021 posted 10/11/2009, 08:00
Too old school for me.. kind of needs a mouse - that doesn't fix how it gets boring quickly.
Message | Report posted 29/09/2009, 08:49
Very good FPS. Still play from time to time.
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PlaystaionGamer posted 13/09/2009, 11:44
wish i hadnt sold it
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AdventWolf posted 24/08/2009, 10:24
Good game, I still played CoD4 more though.
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