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Studio Liverpool



Release Dates

09/25/08 Sony Computer Entertainment
10/29/08 Sony Computer Entertainment
09/25/08 Sony Computer Entertainment

Community Stats

Owners: 372
Favorite: 12
Tracked: 3
Wishlist: 1
Now Playing: 12

Avg Community Rating:


WipEout HD (PSN) > Opinions (12)

4k1x3r posted 06/06/2011, 03:23
Agree with pezus, I'm even tempted to really buy it, because they really deserve money for this masterpiece. Wipeout better than ever.
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FootballFan posted 25/05/2009, 04:58
If anyone is interested trading this game for my Rag Doll Kung Fu leave a message on my wall. You can have Rag Doll first im fine with that.
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Kantor posted 16/05/2009, 04:42
Excellent game. Better than quite a few retail titles, actually.

I am just about managing to get gold medals on Novice on the first section with Steering Assist on! Yay!

To be fair, I've played for all of half an hour.
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sabby_e17 posted 12/04/2009, 11:24
amazing game. totaly worth £11.99
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NicholasCage posted 18/03/2009, 03:11
Free if you make a AUSTRIA PSN account until April 18. Remember, Austria not Australia.
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drakesfortune posted 01/03/2009, 01:33
This game is great, but man is it hard! And the trophies are completely INSANE!!! That's my only complaint about the game. The trophies should be there to help keep you going, but they are so hard to get that it's one of the few games that I don't even bother with them at all. I just play it, and with a game this good, that's enough.
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oliist posted 29/10/2008, 11:36
Finally the Wipeout feeling like in the PSone Era is back again. :)
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HanzoTheRazor posted 14/10/2008, 11:40
9.5/10 What a game, and I don't even like racers! Super fast and super smooth with smick graphics too.
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makingmusic476 posted 28/09/2008, 05:55
Just bought it. I thought it was downloading for the last hour, but it turns out I had the Mercs 2 demo in my queue and it was downloading instead. >_
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Munkeh111 posted 25/09/2008, 10:23
Brilliant, I have really enjoyed it so far, though it is a little slower than what it was like on PSP
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luistomas8782 posted 22/09/2008, 07:22
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oliist posted 05/09/2008, 02:30
Kraftwerk :D
My hopes are high for this game.
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Legacy Sales History

Opinion (12)

4k1x3r posted 06/06/2011, 03:23
Agree with pezus, I'm even tempted to really buy it, because they really deserve money for this masterpiece. Wipeout better than ever.
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FootballFan posted 25/05/2009, 04:58
If anyone is interested trading this game for my Rag Doll Kung Fu leave a message on my wall. You can have Rag Doll first im fine with that.
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Kantor posted 16/05/2009, 04:42
Excellent game. Better than quite a few retail titles, actually.

I am just about managing to get gold medals on Novice on the first section with Steering Assist on! Yay!

To be fair, I've played for all of half an hour.
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sabby_e17 posted 12/04/2009, 11:24
amazing game. totaly worth £11.99
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NicholasCage posted 18/03/2009, 03:11
Free if you make a AUSTRIA PSN account until April 18. Remember, Austria not Australia.
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drakesfortune posted 01/03/2009, 01:33
This game is great, but man is it hard! And the trophies are completely INSANE!!! That's my only complaint about the game. The trophies should be there to help keep you going, but they are so hard to get that it's one of the few games that I don't even bother with them at all. I just play it, and with a game this good, that's enough.
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