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Yuke's Osaka



Other Versions

All, PS3, XBL

Release Dates

05/19/09 THQ
10/15/09 THQ
05/22/09 THQ

Community Stats

Owners: 44
Favorite: 0
Tracked: 0
Wishlist: 0
Now Playing: 3

Avg Community Rating:


UFC 2009 Undisputed (X360) > Opinions (29)

Mr Puggsly posted 11/08/2016, 03:01
I didn't play this game much when it came out, but I felt like playing the career mode recently and it holds up well. Frankly, it laid the ground for the more recent EA UFC games.
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yo_john117 posted 24/09/2011, 09:26
This sold rather well.
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Zlejedi posted 10/08/2009, 09:38
Why people think Others numbers are bad ? It's very american sport.
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zzyoshiman posted 06/08/2009, 08:40
i feel glad for thq, they said they were going broke but because of this game reaching 1.34 million copies and counting
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sabby_e17 posted 31/07/2009, 11:38
Wow bad "Others" numbers
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Skeeuk posted 21/07/2009, 04:01
pathetic game both ps3 and 360. the game is so barebones its unbelievable.

it doesnt have a ufc feel to game and the action is far to quite, after you win a match its just silent.

glad i traded my copy back in
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MonstaMack posted 15/07/2009, 05:55
Yikes look at those legs! It's going to be passing Halo Wars no problem pretty soon.

2 million by the holidays?
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arsenal009 posted 14/07/2009, 11:32
Damn, even outsold the WWE game.

I wonder why they didn't make a Wii version since WWE is profitable on that platform.
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ajaghvajagh posted 11/07/2009, 02:44
Wow didnt think this game would reach 1m+ already
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zaMy posted 05/07/2009, 02:59
I heard THQ was going broke, I guess this game saved them.
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Gabriel84 posted 28/06/2009, 02:29
A million already? hmmm, I predict 2.5 million life time
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Gearbox posted 17/06/2009, 11:49
i think this game might save THQ
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volrath50 posted 17/06/2009, 12:23
Holding up quite well from week 2->3. Probably word of mouth sales. I've heard people at my work (army) talking about it. Not my kind of game, but they seem to like it.
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Barozi posted 16/06/2009, 11:53
really good sales I have to say
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Carl posted 16/06/2009, 11:18
Awesome sales for an awesome game
UFC is the next big gaming sport confirmed.
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snyperdud posted 16/06/2009, 11:04

I'm amazed at how this doing. This and the PS3 version combined are already well over a million.
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I LOVE GIGGS posted 16/06/2009, 10:05
Wow.. 770K in 3 weeks!!
Good Job THQ.
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elzumo posted 13/06/2009, 02:15
Wow, I didn't know VGChartz could be so off.
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Dark_Rulez89 posted 13/06/2009, 05:47
Is this game worth the 60$?
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Zucas posted 12/06/2009, 09:23
Should have never underestimated the casual power for such a popular property. Seems like we have our replacement for WWE in video games.
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Fabius posted 12/06/2009, 07:26
Million Seller for Sure, --alone in The USA
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Sanzee posted 04/06/2009, 07:30
People shouldn't be allowed to fucking quit before the game ends online.
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SixFeetOfMeat posted 30/05/2009, 01:50
The D-Pad is used for Taunts in Undisputed 2009.
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monlosez posted 29/05/2009, 10:14
Do you even need d-pad in this game?
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d21lewis posted 29/05/2009, 08:52
Damn, this game sold a lot! Is it any good?
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FootballFan posted 29/05/2009, 02:13
its laggy
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MorgZ posted 28/05/2009, 09:06
Great game but the online is broke due to the fact it seems 80% of people you play quit if they are going to lose and therefore they dont get the defeat and you dont get the win. The only victory this doesnt effect is when you full knock them out with 1 shot.
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Majin-Tenshinhan posted 22/05/2009, 10:10
Impressive game. Here, we have a truly deep fighter. My brother is a massive MMA-freak so he got this and it was a blast playing. Not really my type of game to play for hours upon hours, but there's no doubt that it's a very well-crafted and amazing game.
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CaptainDJ posted 15/05/2009, 11:14
This games going to be amazing! The Demo is awesome!
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Legacy Sales History

Total Sales

Opinion (29)

1 n/a 351,351 70,113 73,417 494,881
2 n/a 149,159 45,190 33,679 228,028
3 n/a 93,932 30,305 21,509 145,746
4 n/a 72,728 19,690 16,039 108,457
5 n/a 54,545 14,983 12,065 81,593
6 n/a 44,564 16,866 10,610 72,040
7 n/a 40,973 16,397 9,900 67,270
8 n/a 33,973 9,037 7,466 50,476
9 n/a 28,205 7,300 6,165 41,670
10 n/a 21,643 7,059 4,968 33,670
Mr Puggsly posted 11/08/2016, 03:01
I didn't play this game much when it came out, but I felt like playing the career mode recently and it holds up well. Frankly, it laid the ground for the more recent EA UFC games.
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yo_john117 posted 24/09/2011, 09:26
This sold rather well.
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Zlejedi posted 10/08/2009, 09:38
Why people think Others numbers are bad ? It's very american sport.
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zzyoshiman posted 06/08/2009, 08:40
i feel glad for thq, they said they were going broke but because of this game reaching 1.34 million copies and counting
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sabby_e17 posted 31/07/2009, 11:38
Wow bad "Others" numbers
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Skeeuk posted 21/07/2009, 04:01
pathetic game both ps3 and 360. the game is so barebones its unbelievable.

it doesnt have a ufc feel to game and the action is far to quite, after you win a match its just silent.

glad i traded my copy back in
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