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VGChartz Score



Alternative Names

Ratchet & Clank: Quest for Booty

Ratchet & Clank Future Gaiden: Kaizoku Dark Water no Hihou

ラチェット&クランク FUTURE外伝 海賊ダークウォーターの秘


Insomniac Games



Release Dates

08/21/08 Sony Computer Entertainment
08/21/08 Sony Computer Entertainment
08/21/08 Sony Computer Entertainment

Community Stats

Owners: 169
Favorite: 2
Tracked: 1
Wishlist: 1
Now Playing: 0

Avg Community Rating:


Ratchet & Clank Future: Quest for Booty (PSN) > Opinions (20)

binary solo posted 03/05/2010, 01:45
Felt a bit like going through the motions for R&C. Hoping a Crack in Time is going to really show what R&C is all about this gen. PS2 games were better than what's on PS3 so far.
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Severance posted 09/12/2009, 02:22
i enjoyed this more than ToD
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skiptomylou41k posted 17/06/2009, 02:27
the pirate ship attack segment is really hard, just too many enemies while targeting their ship...frustrating
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Dgc1808 posted 06/01/2009, 11:30
Downloaded a few days ago.... kinda bored. Loved Ratched Deadlocked, loved all the Jak games, want to play SLy. Got bored of this quickly though...

From the start jumping to each pirate ship and killing those robotic pirates was kinda bored [playing on hard mode btw] , but I stuck threw it because I wasn't expecting to be blown away at the begining. Now I've finished with the wind turbines and I find the task boring.

I quit the game for a bit, mite not pick it back up for like 2 weeks plus but I'll get to it...
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mibuokami posted 02/01/2009, 11:21
Just got it on Blue-Ray, call me old fashion but I really do like to have a physical medium.

Also bandwidth = Porn. o_o
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FPSrules posted 02/12/2008, 08:57
this game was bascially a advertisement for the rachet and clank series. thats why it was so cheap and short

its worth $15 dollars, it has a lot of cool new features and they will be used in the new rachet and clank coming in 09
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FatBoyPT posted 20/09/2008, 07:25
Well for once i'm happy i'm in europe lol Got it today on blu-ray yay!
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Simulacrum posted 20/09/2008, 03:13
Naah If it comes as blu-ray i buy it.
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luistomas8782 posted 17/09/2008, 02:24
let's see if vgchartz track the sales of this game in europe. out this week
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palitococo posted 16/09/2008, 05:26
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K-DOGG posted 04/09/2008, 12:44
the game may be short,but the game play itself along with the graphics and story is sweet. a must buy for Ratchet and Clank fans.
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headshot91 posted 02/09/2008, 11:14
the textures are much better looking than tools of destruction imo.
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outlawauron posted 28/08/2008, 05:12
@ cochise

Because it's a pirate themed video game.
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cochise313 posted 25/08/2008, 11:01
why is it called booty?
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Gearbox posted 23/08/2008, 05:17
buying it tmrw.
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outlawauron posted 22/08/2008, 09:28
Insomniac = greatness.
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Strategyking92 posted 15/08/2008, 09:39
so soon? Didn't know it came out this early, you lucky dogs.
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Terrell posted 14/08/2008, 03:44
a must have
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headshot91 posted 07/08/2008, 12:51
same here
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Blaiyan posted 18/07/2008, 09:40
Definite buy for me.
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Shipping Total

1,195,510 Units
As of: 2019

Opinion (20)

binary solo posted 03/05/2010, 01:45
Felt a bit like going through the motions for R&C. Hoping a Crack in Time is going to really show what R&C is all about this gen. PS2 games were better than what's on PS3 so far.
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Severance posted 09/12/2009, 02:22
i enjoyed this more than ToD
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skiptomylou41k posted 17/06/2009, 02:27
the pirate ship attack segment is really hard, just too many enemies while targeting their ship...frustrating
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Dgc1808 posted 06/01/2009, 11:30
Downloaded a few days ago.... kinda bored. Loved Ratched Deadlocked, loved all the Jak games, want to play SLy. Got bored of this quickly though...

From the start jumping to each pirate ship and killing those robotic pirates was kinda bored [playing on hard mode btw] , but I stuck threw it because I wasn't expecting to be blown away at the begining. Now I've finished with the wind turbines and I find the task boring.

I quit the game for a bit, mite not pick it back up for like 2 weeks plus but I'll get to it...
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mibuokami posted 02/01/2009, 11:21
Just got it on Blue-Ray, call me old fashion but I really do like to have a physical medium.

Also bandwidth = Porn. o_o
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FPSrules posted 02/12/2008, 08:57
this game was bascially a advertisement for the rachet and clank series. thats why it was so cheap and short

its worth $15 dollars, it has a lot of cool new features and they will be used in the new rachet and clank coming in 09
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