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Artificial Mind and Movement



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Release Dates

06/09/09 LucasArts
(Add Date)
06/12/09 Activision

Community Stats

Owners: 25
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Wishlist: 2
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Indiana Jones and the Staff of Kings (Wii) > Opinions (26)

Venox2008 posted 04/11/2010, 03:31
I liked it to and finished it :)
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pots555 posted 10/04/2010, 08:29
I liked it and glad it is still selling. I hope for a sequel that will correct the flaws of this one.
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Salnax posted 10/04/2010, 06:51
Doing pretty well for a game hardly anybody liked.
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palancas7 posted 25/03/2010, 08:43
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quigontcb posted 22/02/2010, 12:59
This game had some real potential. It has some neat ideas, decent execution in some regards, and a cool macguffin. Famousringo is right, the game seemed to be pushed out the door with no regard to quality and living up to the Indiana Jones standard...but, I completely disagree about the graphics. The characters in the game look like early PS2 stuff.
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famousringo posted 18/01/2010, 08:03
The graphics and the level design are pretty good. The game design falls down hard. I think this game could have polished up really nicely, but LucasArts obviously just wanted to shove it out the door.
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dark_gh0st_b0y posted 28/10/2009, 02:41
i've played and i got to say it's a good game and there's a lot use of motion controls, i like it!

hope it sells through christmas
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cliffhanger posted 11/09/2009, 01:28
Sales have increased the last couple weeks. There must have been a price cut.
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dark_gh0st_b0y posted 05/09/2009, 08:42
this game will be selling for long because of the "indiana jones" thing on the cover

don't know if it's true to say the truth, haven't played it
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Strategyking92 posted 04/09/2009, 12:35
well.. It's certainly doing an energizer bunny move right now.
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Tuulikk posted 03/09/2009, 11:25
So, sales goes up? :) Might be the price, the brand, Lego Indiana Jones magic and some word of mouth.

Nice to see anyways!
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intro94 posted 01/08/2009, 09:44
ps2 graphics deserves this punnishment not all about graphics true, BUT COMON.
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Kenology posted 27/06/2009, 11:32
I expected this game to be doing a bit better actually.
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Vil3 posted 27/06/2009, 01:31
nice second week for the game in EU :)
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stof posted 24/06/2009, 05:37
The preliminary others data suggests that Week 2 is going to be a huge increase for Indy.
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ash3336 posted 23/06/2009, 03:36
Look at de Blob. It got a 23k opening week and ended up selling over 700k. And that was a new IP.

This is Indiana Jones..The name will carry the sales and give massive legs.
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dark_gh0st_b0y posted 22/06/2009, 01:08
i think it will sell and have legs like every popular thing does on Wii
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Myviewing posted 18/06/2009, 02:28
Oh, now there's sales data. Not so great for Others. Maybe it'll do better in Americas at least.

I just beat the game a little while ago, it's like The Force Unleashed. Fun to play, Great production values (John Armstrong sure had me fooled, I thought he was Harrison Ford voice wise!), but really really short.

This time though, there's actually a warrant for buying the game if you're interested. If you never played Fate of Atlantis, this is your chance if your PC isn't up to running it.
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ash3336 posted 17/06/2009, 08:11
Others data is weak though it shows only 1 day sales. Next week could see upwards of 10-15k sales.
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Batman...WTF? posted 17/06/2009, 04:27
I LOVE IT!!!!!
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Myviewing posted 17/06/2009, 12:10
No sales data?
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ash3336 posted 15/06/2009, 06:50
I see a lot of advertising going on for this game and the graphics look pretty good in the ad. Because of the brand name I think it might sell a million.
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Batman...WTF? posted 05/06/2009, 04:39
I want it, sadly, I don't think I'll be able to grab it for a while...
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Myviewing posted 11/05/2009, 09:15
No I don't own this game yet... I reserved it today though. I want it NAO!!!
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nordlead posted 07/04/2009, 06:33
just so people don't complain. The 3 crappy screens are from extra content
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SnesTea posted 14/02/2009, 06:44
woot first!
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Legacy Sales History

Total Sales

Opinion (26)

1 n/a 13,812 5,035 3,257 22,104
2 n/a 8,909 12,299 3,574 24,782
3 n/a 7,289 6,916 2,412 16,617
4 n/a 6,038 4,751 1,839 12,628
5 n/a 4,926 3,525 1,443 9,894
6 n/a 3,856 2,661 1,113 7,630
7 n/a 2,810 2,332 876 6,018
8 n/a 1,661 2,025 623 4,309
9 n/a 1,081 1,586 449 3,116
10 n/a 1,688 1,311 511 3,510
Venox2008 posted 04/11/2010, 03:31
I liked it to and finished it :)
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pots555 posted 10/04/2010, 08:29
I liked it and glad it is still selling. I hope for a sequel that will correct the flaws of this one.
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Salnax posted 10/04/2010, 06:51
Doing pretty well for a game hardly anybody liked.
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palancas7 posted 25/03/2010, 08:43
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quigontcb posted 22/02/2010, 12:59
This game had some real potential. It has some neat ideas, decent execution in some regards, and a cool macguffin. Famousringo is right, the game seemed to be pushed out the door with no regard to quality and living up to the Indiana Jones standard...but, I completely disagree about the graphics. The characters in the game look like early PS2 stuff.
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famousringo posted 18/01/2010, 08:03
The graphics and the level design are pretty good. The game design falls down hard. I think this game could have polished up really nicely, but LucasArts obviously just wanted to shove it out the door.
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