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09/22/09 Ubisoft
(Add Date)
10/02/09 Ubisoft

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Owners: 32
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Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Smash-Up (Wii) > Opinions (31)

Salem posted 14/11/2010, 05:12
Thinks it deserves what it got, we get rabbids instead of turtles? Disgraceful
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IxisNaugus posted 09/04/2010, 08:22
This did a tad better than i expected, and without Others numbers too.
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ocarinaoftime posted 17/01/2010, 07:21
they should have gave us turtles in time remake.........but instead wii got this smash up game......lot of reviews were not that great for this game the sales its got ubisoft should be thankful they got them...its just a ok game nothin special.....
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Tuulikk posted 25/12/2009, 04:07
It's a Ubisoft game after all, so it can have sold good in Europe.
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legendarysaiyanbroly posted 25/11/2009, 05:29
@ primogen18:

It was advertised for 5 weeks straight on Raw, SmackDown, and ecw.

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IxisNaugus posted 05/11/2009, 09:40
No others numbers? I see this in my local Gamestation...
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primogen18 posted 28/10/2009, 03:40
This should have been advertised... but I still see steady sales..
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intro94 posted 22/10/2009, 05:43 ok to focus in a new franchise, but shunning a big important and moreso, POPULAR side of the franchise is never a good move.Well, to be honest, that was what kept me from ultimately buying the game.I dont know how many thousands extra sales would have promoting those extra 4 or 5 characters would have, but certainly, with these results, even 10 k would have helped
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SaviorX posted 18/10/2009, 01:10
Others numbers?
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valen200 posted 16/10/2009, 03:38
By punishing or blaming Ubisoft you are really taking it out on the wrong group/person.

It doesn't matter if Wolf Studios or Peter Laird own the rights, Ubisoft does not. They must ask for permission use it. If laird said no, what were they supposed to do? They salvaged it as best they could.

And the only thing underwhelming about the game was the roster. It plays well. Ubisoft did not make a bad game. In fact they made a far better game than their last outing. I consider that a somewhat rare occurrence in gaming and appreciate the effort they put into the Turtles.

I take issue with those not buying/playingthe game knocking the gameplay based on their view of the roster. Considering the downward slide during the 2k3 games, Ubisoft has so far been on an upward tick. They are not the ones ignoring the fanbase. Laird is, based on the comment you provided. I would suggest a polite letter writing campaign would be more effect at getting a game wtih the roster you want than taking Ubisoft to task.
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polynomialpal posted 12/10/2009, 06:37
I genuinely believe that any sequel to this game would be just as underwhelming. I'd rather wait ten years (or however long it takes) for a more deserving company to have a crack at the license. It's been a long time since I've been as excited about a video game as I was about this one - based on the understanding that it would provide a decent amount of fan-service, as had been implied in develop blogs - and I am disappointed with the end-product. That is why I am bitter and have no intention of buying any Ubisoft game any time soon.
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valen200 posted 12/10/2009, 08:57
And by refusing to buy the game you are not helping get a game with the content you want. Poor sales are unlikey to lead to Smash-up 2 with an expanded roster. Poor sales lead to less turtle games period. I want more characters also, but would rather play and enjoy it for what it is. It is still a better Turtle game than has been released in years. They focused on the two most recent incarnations with a hint of the original comic. Big deal. If I play a Star wars game it is likely to contain the words "Lego" or " Clone wars" for the foreseeable future. It is the direction the franchise is heading for now. If it is a poorly made game I'll skip it, but if it is decent I'll play it even if I don't really care for the new cartoon.

And Leatherhead may kinda/sorta be in the game-ish. The giveaway comic in the game calls a gator that attacks them "Leatherhead" implying that the stagekill gator may be leatherhead. He is not playable though in cajun or scientist form.
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polynomialpal posted 11/10/2009, 11:00
This is a quote from Peter Laird from his Q&A on Saturday, June 6, 2009 on his blog:

"I have answered this question before, and STILL people claim in various forums that the reason Bebop and Rocksteady aren't being used in new TMNT merchandising is that Mirage doesn't have the right to them.

This is totally incorrect.

Mirage owns the rights to Bebop and Rocksteady, and could -- if I gave my approval -- use them in any fashion we desired. I choose not to do that. I saw enough of Bebop and Rocksteady in the old show to last me a lifetime.

That being said, there is a little bit of "wiggle room" here. And I can't go any further than that right now. -- PL"

I have a huge respect for the original Mirage comics and will be the first to admit that the 2003 cartoon was better than the 1987 one in almost every way. I do think the lack of 1987 content in Smash-Up was a mistake but, as I stated previously, there are a huge number of omissions which together make this game unworthy of my custom (the deal-breaker for me is Leatherhead, who was awesome in all 4 of the incarnations in which he appeared).
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valen200 posted 11/10/2009, 02:51
No, Mirage does not own the rights to characters created for the original show. Wolf Studios does. Playmates owns the rights to the characters that were only produced in toy form. Next mutation, is currently controlled by disney/abc tv. There is even turtles anime that has never been brought over here due to copyright issues. Mirage does not have to ability to use a lot of the turtle characters without paying for them.

And B and R are important to kids who grew up on the old show, but that show is not the center of the turtle universe. There is more turtles stuff that does not contain the characters from the old show than with.

I am getting kinda cranky with Turtles "fans" that refuse to accept any version but the original cartoon and wish the larger franchise ill.
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Simulacrum posted 10/10/2009, 10:06
lol after all the hype Wii users built on this I predicted 69k second week and lost 40$!
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polynomialpal posted 10/10/2009, 09:25
I'm also glad this bombed. Mirage owns the rights to Bebop and Rocksteady as well as all other characters and concepts which were exclusive to the 1987 tv show and Archie comics - hence the technodrome being in this game, plus concept art featuring Bebop, Rocksteady and Krang. If B & R were unimportant to Turtles lore then they would not have been the most requested characters by far on the Ubisoft forums.

The game also lacks Slash, Leatherhead, The Rat King, the Triceratons, Tokka and Rahzar, Wingnut, Armageddon, and many more characters who deserve to be in there over 3 rabbids, Nightwatcher and the Utrominator.

I don't want this game to fail for any one exclusion or creative decision that I might disagree with. I want it to fail so that Ubisoft knows never to ignore the demands of a franchise's fanbase ever again.
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Boneitis posted 08/10/2009, 09:54
This seems like a game that should be on PSN or XBLA.
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valen200 posted 08/10/2009, 07:30
Beebop and Rocksteady are actually fairly uniportant to overall turtle lore. Being only in the 1980's show and Archie comic(Turtles forever cartoon movie soon). They are also owned fully by the animation company. Mirage has no ability to use the characters without paying for them. The game needed a few more characters, but demanding they pay for characters unused for 15 years is silly. The game plays well. It is easily the best turtle game in at least 5 years and the best Turtle fighting game since the Snes.
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Rustuv posted 05/10/2009, 12:49
this game is sponsoring the WWE hell in a cell pay per view event tonight, sales will probably go up after that. and I've seen a lot of tv ads for.
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arsenal009 posted 02/10/2009, 10:17
No Bebop & Rocksteady equals fail. I'm glad this bombed.
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primogen18 posted 02/10/2009, 07:17
hm, no promotion what so ever on TV or in stores... yeah maybe itll be ok with xmas, but not really, nobody knows about it.
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valen200 posted 02/10/2009, 09:00
It might need a good Christmas. I find those sales disapointing. Hopefully it can stay afloat for awhile.
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Tuulikk posted 02/10/2009, 08:48
It's a Turtles game, Christmas could be nice for it!
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Smeags posted 30/09/2009, 08:58
I did not know that KitchenSink. Thanks!
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thekitchensink posted 22/09/2009, 05:24
@Smeags: Yeah, but did you know that when the evil Shredder attacks, those turtle dudes don't cut him no slack?
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scottie posted 21/09/2009, 05:50
Raving rabbids were confirmed a while ago
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VTnev27 posted 22/07/2009, 09:13
I'm hoping for a playable Slash and Usagi Yujimbo
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BoneArk posted 06/07/2009, 05:10
I went to wikipedia to check this game out and it had raving rabbid and raving shredder under playable characters. WTF?
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Mr.Y posted 17/05/2009, 04:38
Needs more hype or at least more comments.
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Smeags posted 27/02/2009, 11:04
I hear that Michaelangelo is a party dude.
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oliist posted 13/02/2009, 07:12
Turtle power. :)
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Legacy Sales History

Total Sales

Opinion (31)

1 n/a 16,290 n/a 2,875 19,165
2 n/a 11,768 n/a 2,077 13,845
3 n/a 9,296 n/a 1,640 10,936
4 n/a 6,441 n/a 1,137 7,578
5 n/a 5,239 n/a 925 6,164
6 n/a 4,647 n/a 820 5,467
7 n/a 4,215 n/a 744 4,959
8 n/a 4,189 n/a 739 4,928
9 n/a 3,465 n/a 611 4,076
10 n/a 7,678 n/a 1,355 9,033
Salem posted 14/11/2010, 05:12
Thinks it deserves what it got, we get rabbids instead of turtles? Disgraceful
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IxisNaugus posted 09/04/2010, 08:22
This did a tad better than i expected, and without Others numbers too.
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ocarinaoftime posted 17/01/2010, 07:21
they should have gave us turtles in time remake.........but instead wii got this smash up game......lot of reviews were not that great for this game the sales its got ubisoft should be thankful they got them...its just a ok game nothin special.....
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Tuulikk posted 25/12/2009, 04:07
It's a Ubisoft game after all, so it can have sold good in Europe.
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legendarysaiyanbroly posted 25/11/2009, 05:29
@ primogen18:

It was advertised for 5 weeks straight on Raw, SmackDown, and ecw.

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IxisNaugus posted 05/11/2009, 09:40
No others numbers? I see this in my local Gamestation...
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