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Alternative Names

Super Mario All-Stars 25th Anniversary Edition

Super Mario Collection Special Pack

スーパーマリオコレクション スペシャルパック


Nintendo EAD



Release Dates

12/12/10 Nintendo
10/21/10 Nintendo
12/03/10 Nintendo

Community Stats

Owners: 153
Favorite: 5
Tracked: 2
Wishlist: 12
Now Playing: 3

Avg Community Rating:


Super Mario All-Stars: Limited Edition (Wii) > Opinions (69)

fedfed posted 30/03/2016, 09:48
I want this selects out in Europe too....

a new item to collect....
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tak13 posted 30/11/2014, 08:53
I loveeeeeee it!
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ExplodingBlock posted 28/04/2014, 01:24
I remember when this came out everyone was pissed since it was just a SNES port
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DarkRPGamer007 posted 11/04/2014, 12:45
I really liked the CD included and the games were great! Could've added World and 64, made me a happier camper, but I was cool with this. Collectors people, it doesn't have to be extraordinary.
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Fededx posted 07/07/2012, 05:49
This is a great game, but as a Nintendo fan I have to say this is one of the most lazy anniversary edition I've seen. Mario didn't deserve this I think, it's a straight port, that's it. The extras aren't good either :S
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fedfed posted 02/12/2011, 12:32
Is this still in the shop in US? I wish for a 3Mil marks lifetime
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fedfed posted 09/08/2011, 12:48
I man in Uk is almost sold out and the few one left are very badly damaged
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cromeros posted 03/07/2011, 11:58
I've got this edition today... YEAH!!!!
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Erik Aston posted 11/06/2011, 07:08
I wonder how much money Nintendo is leaving on the table by not making this more than a "limited edition." It probably could have sold 6-8 million.
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Rustuv posted 13/05/2011, 04:37
a clerk at game stop told me they only released a total 400,000 copies. that was obviously BS.
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Iveyboi posted 06/05/2011, 04:43
This is the biggest pure profit game that I have ever seen (GOW HD Remakes coming a close second)
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cliffhanger posted 26/03/2011, 05:27
Got 2 copies. One to play and one to keep unopened. :D
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valen200 posted 17/03/2011, 02:00
got. is cool, but did need more content. maybe they should have added Super Mario World or updated graphics. at least I hadn't bought them all in virtual console, so I can justify getting a new format.
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Tecmo posted 16/03/2011, 02:08
finally was able to get it
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Frozen posted 09/02/2011, 08:23
how to sell the same games for 10th-time :) good job nintendo
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primogen18 posted 25/01/2011, 04:08
im near the suburbs of chicago, where is this game?
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primogen18 posted 25/01/2011, 04:08
im near the suburbs of chicago, where is this game?
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Siko1989 posted 11/01/2011, 04:34
good but it could had more content..
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Kennyheart posted 09/01/2011, 08:59
this game is a big disapominet for me.
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Mr Puggsly posted 08/01/2011, 10:03
I didn't realize they would stop putting out copies this soon. Glad I preordered mine. Well I hope Nintendo puts out a standard edition.
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whatever posted 06/01/2011, 05:09
Can anyone actually find this game anywhere? Everywhere I've gone it's sold out with no more coming.
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primogen18 posted 03/01/2011, 03:16
Anyone else have bad experiences with tiger direct on amazon? Lying company that never had t his in stock at all and when they say shipped, they mean drop shipped which is where they drop the order to a 3rd party somewhere and eventually cancel the order without telling you. I was suppose to get this as a gift and now I will never get ahold of it!
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MonstaMack posted 02/01/2011, 05:24
Considering new copies are now going for $70+ shipped I can't see this selling much more unless its geting overtracked somehow. The re-sellers have already bought every copy in sight.
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Zucas posted 01/01/2011, 05:09
Wooh this game is going to drop like a rock. Think for America it may have gotten one or two shipments before it got discontinued (or so says Gamestop computer). Worse than that, pretty much sold out haha. And I know people like to use milking as a dirty term, but if people still want to buy it then who are we to judge. Nintendo obviously knew the demand was there so we should be congratulating them for giving the consumers what they clearly wanted.
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Metallicube posted 30/12/2010, 09:03
People are "falling for it" because it's still a great game, and a better game than most games made nowadays. And it's only 30 bucks. So I don't see the problem.
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Rawnchie14 posted 30/12/2010, 04:09
Agree with OkeyDokey - kind of shameless milking.
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CrystalDay posted 29/12/2010, 04:16
This game(s) will probably reach 3-4 million after this is over. 500'000 first week in US!
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--OkeyDokey-- posted 29/12/2010, 11:46
Taking milking to new heights. And people are falling for it. Disgusting.
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Aidman posted 27/12/2010, 11:54
Proud to be a Nintendo Fanboy XD.
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killeryoshis posted 27/12/2010, 05:36
darn nintendo fanboys buying a 17 year old game! making it sell out
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Red4ADevil posted 26/12/2010, 10:03
For a 17 year old game it still managed to sell a million. Off to 2 million!.
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Skorpion posted 26/12/2010, 05:05
My gamestop said they weren't receiving any more? Is this true? Out of print already?
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DrZoidberg posted 26/12/2010, 01:23
big debut in the America's, nice to see
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Nintendogamer posted 25/12/2010, 03:59
Over 1.5M.
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primogen18 posted 25/12/2010, 01:45
That is the experience I am having along with some friends back home in PA, i just is never in stock.
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primogen18 posted 25/12/2010, 01:40
Very limited juno, in fact this game is probably only selling this low because of it. Everywhere in town here has been selling out constantly, it never stays in stock and in the days where people wonder into the TRU I work at complaining everyone else is out and so are we, I can only point them to try online.
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Cheebee posted 24/12/2010, 07:06
This is printing Nintendo money. It probably cost them like 10 yen to make the game.
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marcianito posted 24/12/2010, 06:49
half a million in Americas yay!!!
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J.U.N.O posted 24/12/2010, 05:45
I wonder how limited is this limited edition.
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Salnax posted 24/12/2010, 05:16
Limited Edition my ass. 2 million by 2011.
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Juma009 posted 24/12/2010, 02:51
I bought this yesterday = )
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OneTwoThree posted 23/12/2010, 11:15
@ Nintendogamer: From what I read, the Wii version is plagued by latency, just like Virtual Console. If that's the case, the SNES version would absolutely be the better choice.
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DrZoidberg posted 22/12/2010, 02:37
over a million! anxious to see how this did in the US
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ZechsMerquise posted 21/12/2010, 04:19
This game isn't a cash in. Anyone who has actually got it will know what an incredible package this game presents. The soundtrack, the collectors box, the booklet and 4 great games! Stop complaining. All that for £20 is value for money, and if you don't want it, don't buy it!
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Nintendogamer posted 18/12/2010, 01:48
They're both the same versions, so how can SNES be better, Wii > SNES anyway.
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markimsoad posted 17/12/2010, 06:35
snes version is better lol :)
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chaos20xx posted 17/12/2010, 01:53
A friend of mine has this, i don't say it's a bad value 4 someone who really wanna play the old Mario's, but the Soundtrack is just 8 real trax and the rest are just sounds like mario jumping on a gumba or sthg. like that. And the booklet is ok looks fine but isn't a real special edition booklet like u get with ohter games like Bioshock. The games are great i would have bougt it by myself too if the real NES classics would be also on the disk not just the Snes versions
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Metallicube posted 15/12/2010, 12:30
Chaos, you get 4 classic Mario games with the updated SNES graphics, on a physical disc format, along with a history booktlet, artwork, and a soundtrack. That's worth 30 bucks to me..
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Ostro posted 14/12/2010, 11:58
Let's see how "limited" this is. I'd have loved to see Mario World in it as well ..
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Nintendogamer posted 14/12/2010, 10:59
↓ £20 for 4 great classic titles? you must be poor.
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chaos20xx posted 14/12/2010, 07:58
this game is not a good deal imo
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Pavolink posted 14/12/2010, 05:03
Americas pre-orders almost 300k, mabe opening for around 450 -500k
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primogen18 posted 14/12/2010, 01:35
sold out at the TRU I work at, had many people come in saying local targets and walmart were also sold out.
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MonstaMack posted 13/12/2010, 11:22
Sold out at a lot of the places in the US. Could be a one or two print run like Metroid Prime Collection was.
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Fededx posted 10/12/2010, 01:33
It's selling amazingly good, considering it's a collector's item!
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Nintendogamer posted 09/12/2010, 01:55
MarioGa;axy. You can't buy the all-stars version on VC :/
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MarioGalaxy posted 09/12/2010, 09:27
Mr Puggsly, this is a game that owns a lot of people when came out on the Snes. Furthermore, you can buy the same games on the VC. But be patitent, the sales 'll rise a lot during Xmax across the globe. But if not, 1 million is impressive for a 8-16 bit collection games, isn't it?
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Mr Puggsly posted 09/12/2010, 03:12
Terrible opening for EMEAA! You people should be ashamed! Another game that will depend on America to be a massive hit.
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Nintendogamer posted 09/12/2010, 03:03
Almost 100K in EMEAA, and I'm one of them :P
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Salnax posted 30/11/2010, 04:45
Somehow, I can't imagine this edition staying limited. Will probably be the fourth best selling Wii game this year in Japan, and could even be in the top ten games period.
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Metallicube posted 27/11/2010, 07:30
The power of old school Mario shines through even to this day!
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Faxanadu posted 27/11/2010, 11:21
That would be a very bad idea, looking at those sales.
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Nintendogamer posted 20/11/2010, 03:24
Only out for a limited time only, like it will be off the market in 5 weeks.
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Faxanadu posted 15/11/2010, 09:02
What does "Limited Edition" mean? They will print no more than 10 million copies?
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Juma009 posted 03/11/2010, 03:07
another 5 million seller for Nintendo, jesus id there anything Mario can't pull off?
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rtzr posted 02/11/2010, 06:38
5 mil b4 all said done
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primogen18 posted 29/10/2010, 10:10
imagine the hoards of parents searching for the next game with "Super mario bros" in the title for Wii this year after getting their kids NSMBWii last year, I should pre-order this ASAP before it's gone.
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Nintendogamer posted 29/10/2010, 07:30
Will sell at least 3M this year.
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MasterZack posted 28/10/2010, 08:09
Wall?? And iam the first?? FTW!!!
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Shipping Total

2,240,000 Units
As of: December 2014

Opinion (69)

fedfed posted 30/03/2016, 09:48
I want this selects out in Europe too....

a new item to collect....
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tak13 posted 30/11/2014, 08:53
I loveeeeeee it!
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ExplodingBlock posted 28/04/2014, 01:24
I remember when this came out everyone was pissed since it was just a SNES port
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DarkRPGamer007 posted 11/04/2014, 12:45
I really liked the CD included and the games were great! Could've added World and 64, made me a happier camper, but I was cool with this. Collectors people, it doesn't have to be extraordinary.
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Fededx posted 07/07/2012, 05:49
This is a great game, but as a Nintendo fan I have to say this is one of the most lazy anniversary edition I've seen. Mario didn't deserve this I think, it's a straight port, that's it. The extras aren't good either :S
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fedfed posted 02/12/2011, 12:32
Is this still in the shop in US? I wish for a 3Mil marks lifetime
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