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FASA Studio



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Release Dates

05/29/07 Microsoft Game Studios
06/21/07 Microsoft Game Studios
06/01/07 Microsoft Game Studios

Community Stats

Owners: 53
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Tracked: 0
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Now Playing: 1

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Shadowrun (2007) (X360) > Opinions (13)

ShadowrunFPS posted 24/10/2013, 12:55
Best FPS ever based loosely on your favorite rpg, what a shame right...
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ShadowrunFPS posted 24/10/2013, 12:53
Im confident it would still be #1 on mlg circuit still to this day. 7 years later. You guys should be ashamed as it killed alot of opportunity for future RPG shadowruns and is likely why you had to wait so long for a complete letdown.. out your own pocket to... so sad
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ShadowrunFPS posted 24/10/2013, 12:50
Its not a remake of shadowrun. Did you guys trully expect that from a shadowrun made by Fasa INTERACTIVE... Did you guys not even take the time to eduacate yourself on the mission at Fasa Interactive? You diehard nostalgia fans need to get a grip and stop blaming the 2007 shooter shadowrun for your rpg's lack of ability to keep up with modern RPGs. The game is without a doubt the BEST FPS EVER made. What your upset about is that Fasa Interactive was able to revolutionize multiplayer arena fps with this game and your ever beloved rpg version has and still continues to fail at keeping up with other RPGs. Enjoy playing your brand new 1990s like rpg on your awesome new gen consoles, what a waste of resources. Flash/browser based games are better than the new shadowrun. To call it a modern rpg is retarded.. The FPS shadowrun of 2007 would be the #1 game on the MLG circuit if not for you idiots and some other factors. NOSTALGIA at its finest.
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thewastedyouth posted 13/04/2012, 06:32
the game that killed FASA Interactive, they should have made another Crimson Skies or Mechassault game!!!
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darkdayz posted 26/05/2010, 07:27
this game has not aged well
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Stanislav.Ten posted 16/04/2010, 06:46
Surprisingly good, imo underrated game. It's pretty fun and the variety online makes up for the lack of single player, would recommend to at least try considering now it's extremely cheap.
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Boneitis posted 21/11/2009, 01:10
Thank god for the demo, I might have bought this disaster without it.
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MrBirdTurd posted 03/02/2009, 10:13
I actually really liked this game if it was more popular and had a depper online feature and some kind of Sp this game would have done really well and would have been an even better game.
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shanezx posted 25/11/2008, 03:18
i like this game, but the troll is so unbalanced
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HanzoTheRazor posted 25/08/2008, 05:47
What a huge let down of a re-make from one of the SNES's best ever games! Trust M$ to turn it into a 1st person shooter too.
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Oemenia posted 19/05/2008, 01:05
Pretty good for NA only, and this game sucks, seriously, its a lot of fun but 9 maps?
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Damstr8 posted 02/03/2008, 03:47 comment....
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sundanced posted 28/06/2007, 12:53

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Legacy Sales History

Total Sales

Opinion (13)

1 n/a 76,927 n/a 13,575 90,502
2 n/a 35,925 n/a 6,340 42,265
3 n/a 18,856 n/a 3,328 22,184
4 n/a 12,216 n/a 2,156 14,372
5 n/a 7,164 n/a 1,264 8,428
6 n/a 5,249 n/a 926 6,175
7 n/a 4,270 n/a 754 5,024
8 n/a 3,735 n/a 659 4,394
9 n/a 3,144 n/a 555 3,699
10 n/a 2,826 n/a 499 3,325
ShadowrunFPS posted 24/10/2013, 12:55
Best FPS ever based loosely on your favorite rpg, what a shame right...
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ShadowrunFPS posted 24/10/2013, 12:53
Im confident it would still be #1 on mlg circuit still to this day. 7 years later. You guys should be ashamed as it killed alot of opportunity for future RPG shadowruns and is likely why you had to wait so long for a complete letdown.. out your own pocket to... so sad
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ShadowrunFPS posted 24/10/2013, 12:50
Its not a remake of shadowrun. Did you guys trully expect that from a shadowrun made by Fasa INTERACTIVE... Did you guys not even take the time to eduacate yourself on the mission at Fasa Interactive? You diehard nostalgia fans need to get a grip and stop blaming the 2007 shooter shadowrun for your rpg's lack of ability to keep up with modern RPGs. The game is without a doubt the BEST FPS EVER made. What your upset about is that Fasa Interactive was able to revolutionize multiplayer arena fps with this game and your ever beloved rpg version has and still continues to fail at keeping up with other RPGs. Enjoy playing your brand new 1990s like rpg on your awesome new gen consoles, what a waste of resources. Flash/browser based games are better than the new shadowrun. To call it a modern rpg is retarded.. The FPS shadowrun of 2007 would be the #1 game on the MLG circuit if not for you idiots and some other factors. NOSTALGIA at its finest.
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thewastedyouth posted 13/04/2012, 06:32
the game that killed FASA Interactive, they should have made another Crimson Skies or Mechassault game!!!
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darkdayz posted 26/05/2010, 07:27
this game has not aged well
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Stanislav.Ten posted 16/04/2010, 06:46
Surprisingly good, imo underrated game. It's pretty fun and the variety online makes up for the lack of single player, would recommend to at least try considering now it's extremely cheap.
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