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Release Dates

01/28/14 Square Enix
02/22/14 Square Enix
01/31/14 Square Enix

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Tomb Raider: Definitive Edition (PS4) > Opinions (23)

SlayerRondo posted 21/11/2015, 08:02
Wonder if this will outsell the new Tomb Raider on the Xbox One in the long run. The Tomb raider fanbase has shown with this version of the game that the fanbase in on Sony consoles now.
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SlayerRondo posted 21/11/2015, 08:02
Wonder if this will outsell the new Tomb Raider on the Xbox One in the long run. The Tomb raider fanbase has shown with this version of the game that the fanbase in on Sony consoles now.
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xboxonefan posted 15/11/2015, 04:53
1 million
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OneKartVita posted 12/11/2015, 06:17
Million seller #44 for the ps4. This is crazy. And this is the first tomb raider game to hit 1 million on next gen. And with digital it's well over already. For a re release the sales are exceptional.
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SlayerRondo posted 07/11/2015, 04:48
This Version will reach 1 million before the Xbox Version reaches 400k. Well done on the exclusivity deal square enix.
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SlayerRondo posted 24/10/2014, 03:20
Outsold the Xbox One version 3-1. Square Enix, making money from not selling their games to you.
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ice posted 07/10/2014, 10:19
"Xbox is performing like the Dreamcast" I think you're thinking of the Wii U, Xbox One is doing much better than the Dreamcast. Anyways happy to see this game sell well on PS4, such a beast in sales.
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Killerbee23 posted 19/08/2014, 08:23
I give Rise of the Tomb Raider 6 months of exclusivity to Xbox before it comes to Playstation. In order for the game to not come to PS is if Microsoft paid Square at least 100 million to try and make up for it not being on Playstation.
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Raziel123 posted 19/08/2014, 07:18
needless to say SE betrayed over half a million people
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jakemania posted 13/08/2014, 08:02
@drmaster2 - Don't forget at about the PS4 version... It more than doubled the XBO version in sales.
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drmaster2 posted 12/08/2014, 02:28
NOT happy about Rise of the Tomb Raider going Xbox exclusive. If the numbers on here were accurate, you'd see this game clearly sold better on PS3 than Xbox. So it's clearly about Microsoft throwing a ton of money at them, but is it at least a timed exclusive? Can't they at least throw us a bone and say "it might come to PS4 in the future?"
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GodOfPeace3 posted 13/04/2014, 07:42
PS4 really needs some competition. Xbone is performing like the Dreamcast. PS4 selling like crazy, and even new(ish) re-releases are selling great.

I think it would be smart for Microsoft to ditch Xbone and release a new console with fixed hardware to match the PS4 in 2015.
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kivi95 posted 31/03/2014, 03:45
Holding up well with a flat week. Should be doing great numbers on PSN aswell.
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Gremdude posted 29/03/2014, 04:34
What a success this game was! 320k copies at 60 bucks a pop? $19.2 million for a graphical upgrade? And people were saying this game should not have been released to the PS4. How much time was even spent putting this game out. A month or two? Capcom is a genius.
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Azhraell posted 12/03/2014, 11:51
I picked up again this game, glad is doing good!
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Mr Puggsly posted 12/03/2014, 08:46
Its the same game with more polished visuals, its a port. If they rebuilt the game using little or none of the original resources, it would be a remake. But its not that and far from it.
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Fusioncode posted 07/03/2014, 06:16
Selling very well, should go past 500k.
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Nem posted 05/03/2014, 09:02
It isnt just a port, its a graphical improvement unlike most Wii U ports.
I just got it today. The only justification i have for the legs is that i bought the game for 40 euros rather than the 65-70 euros of the other games. Its an atractive proposition.
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Dante_6667 posted 23/02/2014, 03:29
To be fair Tomb Raider: Definitive Edition isn't a port, still the sales are looking good @Dadrik I agree 600-700k lifetime seems possible :P
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kurasakiichimaru posted 19/02/2014, 05:26
About to outsell Wii U's best selling port game!
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Mr Puggsly posted 14/02/2014, 05:19
Well people that thought nobody wanted to pay $60 for a port are eating crow now. This did extremely well in Europe in particular.

I'm glad for its success, great game and I want a sequel.
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Dadrik posted 13/02/2014, 11:06
I would be amazed if the game actually manage to reach +600 000 units.
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SlayerRondo posted 13/02/2014, 02:34
Good first week given the circumstances.
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Legacy Sales History

Total Sales

Opinion (23)

1 n/a 38,624 95,321 28,964 162,909
2 n/a 15,888 35,269 11,260 62,417
3 n/a 8,361 19,811 6,133 34,305
4 10,927 12,827 16,721 7,140 47,615
5 7,890 7,741 11,036 4,466 31,133
6 5,139 3,455 7,078 2,350 18,022
7 3,628 2,308 5,110 1,634 12,680
8 3,259 3,570 4,959 2,038 13,826
9 2,998 3,762 4,059 1,954 12,773
10 1,929 4,065 3,664 1,991 11,649
SlayerRondo posted 21/11/2015, 08:02
Wonder if this will outsell the new Tomb Raider on the Xbox One in the long run. The Tomb raider fanbase has shown with this version of the game that the fanbase in on Sony consoles now.
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SlayerRondo posted 21/11/2015, 08:02
Wonder if this will outsell the new Tomb Raider on the Xbox One in the long run. The Tomb raider fanbase has shown with this version of the game that the fanbase in on Sony consoles now.
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xboxonefan posted 15/11/2015, 04:53
1 million
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OneKartVita posted 12/11/2015, 06:17
Million seller #44 for the ps4. This is crazy. And this is the first tomb raider game to hit 1 million on next gen. And with digital it's well over already. For a re release the sales are exceptional.
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SlayerRondo posted 07/11/2015, 04:48
This Version will reach 1 million before the Xbox Version reaches 400k. Well done on the exclusivity deal square enix.
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SlayerRondo posted 24/10/2014, 03:20
Outsold the Xbox One version 3-1. Square Enix, making money from not selling their games to you.
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